Chapter 15: No Regret, No Roulette

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The weekend had passed and by monday Trixie was streaming again, the girl in the midst of riding her sex pillow as she heard her phone ping with the notification sound she'd given Katya. She reached over, groaning as the dildo inside her pressed against her g-spot as she did so. 

1 new message from Katya

Would it be super wierd and awkward if I watched your stream? 

The message read, Trixie quickly typed out no in response, knowing that the blue eyed girl always made her get more into it, which in turn earned her more money.

She rode the fake dick faster as she saw Katya enter the chat, her titties bouncing as the moved up and down the long rubber shaft. Notifications of large tip amounts rolling in by the second.

RedScare: Hi baby. Fuck, you look so gorgeous, Trixie.

A simple typed message and soon enough Trixie was coming undone, slowing her movements down before sliding off the pillow. If it was a normal day, Trixie would probably have shut off the stream, but Katya was there now, and so she instead decided to ask for audience suggestions.

"Well, that's two, but I think I still have one more orgasm in me, don't you? So What would you like me to do?" She asked the chat, knowing fully well that there was only one person's opinion she'd actually listen to.

rkhard4u: fuck yeah, this is why we love ya, trix. why don't you stuff stuff yourself with a vibrator and clean off that dildo for us, deepthroat that shit

KittyGirl: Make sure not to push yourself too hard, kitten <3

DrB1tchcr4ft: get the rabbit vibrator and your nipple clamps, bet that could push you over again

Trixie barely even looked the comments over, just waiting for the instructions she knew would eventually come from the Russian-American blonde whom she adored so much.

RedScare: No, no more toys. You don't need that, it will probably be too much anyways. Finger yourself for us instead, lay back and show us how you'd want to be fucked. Take your time, don't rush it.

"Once again, I'm liking RedScare's suggestion. I think we have a winner." Trixie stated. She knew her viewers had understood that something was going on, but guessed they just assumed Katya payed her well, little did they know that the pair were planning to go out to dinner together the following friday.

Trixie layed back on her bed, groping her own tits and arching her back off the bed as she slowly opened her legs, revealing her dripping core to the camera. She traced a finger down the lenght of her body before letting her hand massage her swollen clit in soft circles. Her body felt extremely sensitive, even the slightest touch threatening to send her over, but she was determined to give Katya a show.

She slowly inserted two fingers, her wetness instantly coating them in her thick juices. As she curled them upwards hitting her g-spot, her body jerked off the bed as she released a broken moan. 

RedScare: Just like that, baby. You look so pretty, so pretty for all of us. You're sucha good girl, Trixie.

Trixie could almost hear Katya's deep voice whisper the words into her ear and the doll had to stop herself from moaning the woman's name. She started moving her fingers fast as she moved her thumb so it pushed against her clit. As she added another finger she felt her orgasm build for the third time that evening, the girl a whining mess as she chased her high. 

RedScare: You're so close aren't you? Cum for us, babygirl.

"Ah fuck! Uh-uh-uh-god, I'm cumming, fuck, I'm cumming, aaah." Trixie moaned out, her brain turning to mush as she felt the room disappear around her, pleasure taking over completely.

By the time she removed her hand from herself she almost felt numb, completely wrecked by the three intense orgasms. 

Tons of praises and tips rolled in, but Trixie couldn't even get herself to thank them, too tired to do anything other than shut off the stream. Moments later her phone rang with a familiar ringtone.

"H-hi?" She said shakingly as she picked up.

"Hey baby, are you okay?" Katya asked, and Trixie couldn't help but blush at the caring tone, her mind going back to when the older woman had checked her for physical injury despite knowing there'd be none. 

"Y-yeah I'm fi-fine, it was just alot. I-I'll be good soon." Trixie stammered out as she tried to level out her breathing. "Thank you for taking time to watch me tho, I'm sure you had better things to do." She added once she had calmed down more.

"Nothing is better or more important than you... On or off the screen, if I can see you, I'm there." Katya admitted, before scratching her neck awkwardly. "Sorry, is that too much?" The blue eyed girl asked, but the doll shook her head.

"No, it's nice."

"Too nice." Trixie thought, her fragile heart worried about what would happen if their date on friday went badly.

What would she do if Katya decided she didn't want her after all?

She'd told the woman so confidently that they'd decide where it would go in time, but in reality, Trixie wanted desperately for Katya to promise her forever. She wanted to be wrapped up in Katya's arms every morning. Wanted whatever they were feeling to turn into love.

"Well, I just wanted to check up on you, but I really have to run. I can't wait to see you friday tho." Katya said, her smile evident in the tone of her voice.

"I can't wait either." Trixie said, trying not to let her nerves show.

"Talk to you later, Trix. Bye." The woman said as the sound of male voices could be heard in the background. Trixie figured Katya was probably still at her office, and had likely taken the opportunity to watch her during a break, which made her blush. The thought of Katya prioritizing seeing her, making her endlessly happy.

"Yeah, bye Katya." She said as she hung up with a smile on her face, feeling like a lovesick teenager.

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