Chapter 42: Flower Road

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Katya carried Trixie into the bedroom, determined to carry out as many cheesy wedding traditions as possible. The brown eyed girl giggled as her back hit the mattress like it had so many times before. Katya sooned joined her on the bed, pulling her in for a passionate kiss. 

"I love you. Wherever you go, or whoever you want to be, I promise, I'll always love you." Katya said as she kissed down Trixie's jawline and shoulder, her nimble fingers undoing the corsetted bodice of the doll's dress.

"God, I love you too, so much. No matter how stubborn you can be or how many disagreements we have to overcome, my love will remain the same. You're my forever and always." Trixie responded, pulling off Katya's jacket and undoing the buttons of her dress shirt.

Soon layers of structured cotton, soft silk, tulle and embroidered appliqués covered the floor, and their bodies connected in the most intimate way. Every touch fuelled by care, every kiss filled with love, both of them chasing the heights of pleasure until the world around them dissappeared.
It was just them in that moment, the entire universe theirs as the night sky grew dark outside their window. 

"Pinch me, I have to make sure that all of this is real." Trixie said as Katya wrapped her arms around the doll. The blue eyed girl playfully pinched her ass, making Trixie yelp.

"It's real baby, it's all real." Katya replied.

"It just.... All this seems like a dream still, to have you next to me, to be wrapped up in your arms, it feels way too good to be true. I feel like I've wandered an endless road alone for so long, and then I met you and my entire life got flipped upside down. Through a simple comment you set our story into motion and it is like my very own miracle. It's like spring arriving after a long cold winter. You're everything I've ever wished for, everything I've waited for." The younger girl says with teary eyes.

"And you call me cheesy." Katya teased.

"Fuck off." Trixie replied with a cute pout which the older woman quickly kissed away.

"Seriously tho, I feel the same way. I can't believe I got this lucky. I love that no matter if it's a boring day, a happy day, a sad day, or a fun day, we always support eachother and we trust that we can lean on eachother. I'm not afraid to show you my worst sides because I know you'll correct them and try to make me improve myself, and I'm not scared to show you my weaknesses because you always make me stronger. You get me, I never have to explain what I feel in order for you to be able to read me. You get my humor, which I've never really felt with anyone else. Your patient with me when I'm acting like an asshole. Seriously, you're just so ridiculously caring. And I promise you, I'll do anything I can to make that spring last so we can walk on a flower road for eternity." The blue eyed girl said sincerely.

"Aaand, you're still the cheesy one." Trixie joked.

"You rotten cunt!" Katya laughed making Trixie laugh too.

"But yeah, I'd like an everlasting spring." The doll said, kissing Katya's cheek.

"We'll have it, I believe in us." 

"I do too, even tho we started with one of your god awful cheesy lines." Trixie teased.

"Hey, it was not that bad!" Katya argued.

"Oh, sure! Because; Your eyes brought me here, is a completely normal thing to say." The younger woman replied whilst laughing.

"Okay, so it was a little cringe, but just imagine what would have happened if I hadn't written that comment. Fact is sweetheart, your eyes brought us where we are today." Katya said.

"Fine, I'll admit it, your cheesy line helped start our story, but please promise me no more." Trixie said.

"Oh babe, you know the cheesiness will live on. You're stuck with this forever, baby." 

"Forever, huh? You know, for some reason, that doesn't sound that bad." Trixie replied as she snuggled closer to Katya.

Forever for a love that never withers is simple. Even through the challenges that they'd face later in life, that love would never be shaken. That happiness remained as a constant as they walked on their flower road.
And while their love was still just in early bloom, the coldness of the world would never reach it's pedals. Later on when their smiles had gained wrinkles that love would still be in full bloom, and even if the rain hit, they'd know it was only passing downpour, because their flower's beautiful season was never-ending. 

A/N: Whilst their love is never-ending, this book unfortunately has reached it's end. Thank you all for the massive support, I can't believe how big this book has gotten💛
I do have a brand new story out called Little Miss Perfect which is also a Trixya book (girlxgirl), so feel free to check that out. I also have many other finished Trixya books published that you can also check out.

Thank you all again, I really appreciate you all so much❤

- Annie 💛

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