Chapter 9: Stuck On You

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The blue eyed woman stopped dead in her tracks when she heard that voice. Even without the sound distortion of the camera she'd reckognize that warm voice anywhere.

"Trixie?" She responded. And sure enough there she stood, the woman of Katya's dreams.

Katya felt her jaw drop to the floor as the viewed the young girl's attire, the tiny latex dress leaving little to the imagination and pushing the girl's tits up, her cleavage on full display. The camera fully also did Trixie no justice, the girl being at least 100 times as beautiful in real life.

"Oh, who's this, huh? Why don't you join us and keep me company, doll face?" A male voice behind Katya said, the statement and tone making Trixie visually uncomfortable.

Katya turned around to face the man that she was there to discuss an investment with. Her eyes glared at him as if he had just killed her brother as she stepped closer.

"Talk to her like that again and I swear to God you can forget any hope of this deal going through. You need me, not the other way around. I'll happily get you kicked out if you can't act properly." She said in an ice cold tone, the man looking absolutely terrified.

Trixie couldn't help but think about how similar it seemed to how a girlfriend would act, and she suddenly became a mix of flattered and aroused.

"I have to go, but I hope to see you later. If that's not to invasive?" Katya told the brown eyed girl sweetly.

"It's cool, I should rejoin my friends anyways. And no, yeah, I'd really like that. I'll probably be on the dance floor or in the booths nearby." Trixie replied with a slight blush.

"Oh, I can get you into VIP if you want." The blue eyed woman responded as if it was the most normal thing. Trixie only realised a moment later that to Katya, it probably was.

"Oh no, that's fine. Thanks for offering tho." She replied, not wanting to seem like she was using the woman.

"Okay, I'll look for you on the dance floor then." Katya said with a wink before joining her party of mostly men.

Trixie's eyes followed her and widened as she realised the woman was walking straight into the owner's section.

"Holy fuck... Katya owns the club." She thought as she grabbed her drinks and went back to her table.

"What's up with you? You look like you've just seen a ghost." Jaida said as the doll sat down beside Kim.

"Well, I saw someone.. not a ghost tho." Trixie said, still in shock at the new discovery.

It wasn't that she didn't know that Katya was rich, but not until now had she fully come face to face with just how powerful the woman was.

"Who then?" Kim asked.


"Holy shit, she's here? Where?" Kim asked.

Trixie expected tons of questions from the others regarding who Katya was, but quickly realised that Kim must have already told them.

"In the owner's section." The Barbie responded.

"Wait, what? How the hell did she get in there?" Courtney asked.

"She is the owner."

"She owns Krisis Kontrol? Your little sugarmommy owns one of the hottest clubs in LA? You're serious?" Naomi said.

"Well yeah.. and she's not my sugarmommy." Trixie replied with a deep blush.

"Still, Jesus Trix, you hit the jackpot. Why aren't you up there with her?" The long legged girl said.

"Well, she had like a business meeting thing which seemed important, and she sorta invited us all to VIP but I didn't wanna seem like I'm taking advantage of her." The brown eyed doll said in an uncommonly shy tone.

"Firstly, you are too nice for your own good. Secondly, you are so fucking whipped." Kim told her.

"I am not!" Trixie argued before downing her shot. "I'm not whipped, as a matter of fact, I'm gonna find someone else to dance with right now." The doll added as she turned towards the dance floor.

However from behind her she heard Courtney agree with Kim.

"She's totally whipped."

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