Chapter 37: Face The Crowd

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"You ready for this?" Katya asked the brown eyed doll next to her. 

"Yeah, let's do this." Trixie replied as they stepped out into the room at Zamo International where the press conference would be held. 

Cameras flashed and thousands of clicking noises filled the room as the pair walked towards the podium hand in hand. Katya adjusted the microphones, clearly far more used to these things than Trixie, and smiled reassuringly at the other girl before they both turned their attention towards the press.

"Welcome everyone and thank you for coming today. As I am sure you are all aware, earlier this week some news broke out about me, and some rumors and assumptions were made based on those news. We at Zamo International therefor decided to organize this press conference to clear everything up.
Now, firstly I believe you all know the beautiful woman standing next to me, this is Trixie Mattel. No, she is not a sugarbaby, nor an escort, nor a prostitute. She is also not my girlfriend, she is my fiancé. And I am so proud of being able to call her that." Katya stated holding Trixie's hand up as they both smirked, the pink rock glittering under the light of flashing cameras. A gasp of shock surged through the press at the announcement.

"Now, Trixie has something to say to all of you. Trixie?" Katya added, handing the word over to her fiancé. 

"Thank you. First of all I would like to ask you something; does it feel fun to sit on your high horses and judge people? You all think you know so much about me. You create rumors and make assumptions, but you know nothing.
I'll admit, when I first saw those articles, I wanted to run and hide away forever. But why should I run away from you guys? The reporter who took those photos in Saint-Tropez, whoever he or she is, they are creep. 'Cause who the hell takes photos of people while they're in a changing room? And why do you people support that?
I work as a camgirl, I basically do amateur porn in front of a webcam by myself. And sure, it's not the most respected profession, but at least I don't take photos in secret of young girls while they are trying on lingerie." Trixie stated harshly as a silence fell across the room, guilty looks upon all of their faces. Katya squeezed the girl's hand and urged her to continue.

"You put me down, and you put down what I do, but you do far worse yourself. So what gives you the right to judge me? I do something that's frowned upon by society as a job, but that's all it is, it's a job. It's a job I do voluntarily, a job I enjoy, a job that harms no one, and a job that gave me the freedom to escape a person who wanted to severely harm me.
Like I said, you know nothing about me.
Hell, you don't even know my real name. So, let me introduce myself properly. Hi, my name is Tracy Martel. I was a straight A student who loved school. My stepdad was an alcoholic who was abusive to me, my little sister, and my mom. When I was sixteen I ran away from home because of his abusive nature. I worked my way from Milwaukee to LA, dime by dime. I changed my name to Trixie Mattel out of fear that he would find me. I joined a camgirl site in order to afford rent and because I never graduated high school due to me running away, which severely affected my job prospects. I made a good living, and met the most amazing person in the world. And I fell in love with her. I am not ashamed of who I was, I am not ashamed of what I do, and I am not ashamed of who I am. I love Katya Zamolodchikova more than anything in the world, and nothing you do or say, is gonna change that. Your words and your articles won't hurt me, because I won't let them, 'cause nothing I've done is wrong." Trixie said, holding her head high, an unbreakable aura of confidence surrounding her.

"God, I love you." Katya spoke as she wrapped the girl up in her arms and attacked her lips.

The blonde doll's statement spread like wildfire online, thousands of people praising her for standing up for herself and calling out the hypocrisy of the press, and soon Zamo International's stocks shot through the roof.

They had done it.
They'd beat them all.

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