Chapter 6: Love Bullet

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It had been a week, and still no sign of Katya. Trixie didn't know what she was expecting, even if the woman had said she would be back, it was ridiculous to expect that someone like that had time to waste on watching a camgirl.
The brown eyed girl almost felt as if their roles were reversed as she herself had spent a ridiculous amount of time staring at photos of Katya.

She had been livestreaming for about an hour already and she was pretty sure that her audience could sense something being off. The girl was distracted, her mind somewhere else even as she fucked herself with a rabbit vibrator. That was until a familiar name showed up in the comment section.

RedScare: Fuck, I missed watching you.. You look so hot, Trixie. 

Trixie felt butterflies fill her stomach as her own hands touching her were mentally replaced with Katya's, her high reaching her abruptly now that she knew the blue eyed woman was watching. As she came down from her high a notification showed up on her screen, making her thank all gods of every religion.

RedScare has requested a private chat

Trixie quickly threw on a robe, tying it tightly as she felt oddly vulnerable, before pressing accept.

Katya was nervous, extremely nervous. She had been missing Trixie's shows all week thanks to fucking idiots who could not do their jobs right, and she felt wierdly bad about it, almost feeling as she had lied to the brown eyed beauty. She felt ridiculous.
She was so hung up on a girl she knew nothing about. Not only that, but she knew the chances of the girl even being single were slim to none, because honestly, how the fuck would someone like Trixie stay single?
The blue eyed girl didn't even want a private for sexual reasons, she genuinely just wanted to talk to the doll without the watchful eye of her other followers.

"Hi." Katya said, her tone clearly nervous.

"Hey." Trixie replied, equally adorably anxious. "I haven't seen you in a while." The doll added in a mumble, hating how needy and bratty she sounded as Katya had absolutely no commitment to her.

"Yeah, I know, I'm so sorry. Work has been crazy, had to clean up the mess other people made so I couldn't make your shows." Katya said, not really sure why she felt so bad about or why she was apologizing. 

"Oh, yeah, that makes sense... Also, you don't have to apologize, you don't owe me anything." The brown eyed girl said honestly. 

"I know, but still, I just wanted you to know, I guess..." The other woman laughed nervously.

"I missed you." Trixie blurted out before she could stop herself. "I mean, I missed not seeing you in the comment section." She added quickly, trying to make it less akward.

"Jesus Trixie, what the fuck is wrong with you? You're never like this!" She thought to herself. 

"I missed you too to be honest.. I don't know if that's wierd, but yeah.." Katya admitted, breathing a sigh of relief when a cute smile appeared on the doll's lips along with a soft blush. The blue eyed girl didn't understand how someone who was the literal definition of a walking wet-dream, could be so remarkably adorable.

"I'm glad you did, it makes me feel less wierd myself." Trixie giggled. "I thought about you alot you know.. Do you wanna know how much you affect me, babe?" The girl added in a deeper, seductive tone which instantly made Katya's thighs clench together.

"Tell me." The blue eyed girl said in barely more than a whisper.

"I fucked myself the entire week while imagining it was you doing it."

Katya could feel her panties get soaked from the statement, a thousand images of Trixie moaning her name filling her mind, a million fantasies about feeling those curves pressed against her own body consuming her thoughts.

"Fuck Trixie, that's hot." Katya groaned out.

"I couldn't stop thinking about you, even during my shows. I've either been thinking about you or been distracted by you not being there." The girl confessed, feeling embarrassed but also unable to keep the words from flowing out.

"Holy shit.. are you serious?" The red lipped woman responded in shock and lust, her pussy clenching at the thought of Trixie fucking herself in front of strangers while thinking about her. 

"Mhmm, I need you so bad, Katya... "

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