Chapter 24: Show and Tell

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"You can't buy me all this, Katya. It's too much." Trixie argued.

"This is nothing. I wanna spoil you, so let me. Also we're going lingerie shopping after this." The blue eyed woman argued.

They'd been shopping all Sunday morning whilst the others were getting some additional shots for the commercial. Andrew had suggested that it might be good for Katya to actually allow herself a day off work and although the woman had been hesitant, she'd agreed after seeing Trixie beginning her with puppy dog eyes.

"Why? I have more than enough lingerie." Trixie said.

"Because, Trixie, a lot of your lingerie is gifted by your fans or bought with money from them, and I want to be the only one who's gifts are touching those parts of you." Katya responded.

"Wow, so possessive, miss Zamolodchikova." The brown eyed girl teased as the other woman's arms came to rest around her waist.

"Well, I wouldn't want anyone to steal you away, miss Mattel." The business woman said before leaning down for a kiss.


"Did you hear that?" Trixie asked.

"Hear what?"

"I thought I heard a camera or something... Nevermind, it was probably nothing." The doll said, shaking her head at how ridiculous the statement had sounded.

Even if it was a camera, it could just have been someone in the store taking a photo of an item or themselves, so there really was no reason for her to stress about it. But something about the timing still made her feel wierd.

"Come on, you dork." Katya teased as they made their way out of the store, heading over to a lingerie shop nearby.

Trixie stood back as Katys spoke in fluent French with the staff, giving them countless instructions. They were lead into a beautiful private changing room with a large couch on one side and a full lenght mirror on the other, a curtain dividing the two halves.

"Okay baby, they're gonna take your measurements and then pick out some sets for you. I've already informed them of what colors and styles you usually like." Katya told her.

"Okay, thanks." Trixie responded with a kiss to the other's cheek. She turned to join the staff behind the curtain, but was pulled back into Katya's arms, their lips meeting once more.


"Stop it, Trixie. You're in a private room, you're imagining things." Trixie thought to herself.

Trixie went behind the curtain, undressing in front of the strangers, the feeling wierder when they weren't behind a screen. Nevertheless, they got her measured and dressed in a gorgeous light pink lingerie set with a matching garder belt and stockings.

"Ready?" Trixie asked.

"So ready, babygirl." Katya replied, her jaw dropping to the floor once Trixie came out from behind the curtain.
This made the doll even more confident about the outfit and so she struck a few seductive poses, before getting startled as the clicking noise returned.

She looked around for the source and up high on the wall she could see a small window and she could have sworn she saw a shadow run away.

"What's wrong, baby?" The blue eyed woman asked, walking closer to the visibly unsettled girl.

"I just, I keep hearing a clicking noise, almost like a camera and I think I saw someone run away from that window." Trixie admitted, pointing towards the window.

Katya took her hand and kissed her palm softly before wrapping the girl up in her arms.

"Baby, I'm sure it's nothing and if it is something then I'll protect you. I won't let anything happen to you. You're mine and I will do anything to keep you safe." The older woman promised.

Trixie pulled back a bit so their eyes could meet, but their arms remained around eachother.

"Am I yours? Like.. really yours?" The brown eyed girl asked in a soft tone.

"If you wanna be. Do you? Do you want to be my girlfriend, Trixie?"

"Yes! Oh my god, yes!" Trixie practically screamed in joy as she captured Katya's lips in another kiss.

All thoughts of the mysterious noise left her mind, the girl figuring it probably wasn't that important anyways.

Oh, how wrong she'd be...

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