Chapter 22: In A New Light

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"For fucks sake! What is this, amateur hour?" Katya screamed out as two members of the marketing team walked straight into the frame as they were filming Naomi and Courtney ducking under the water and walking out of it. It was the newest of a thousand mistakes to be made that day, many of them by those two in particular, and Katya was more than fed up with it.

"Sorry Miss Zamolodchikova, it was an accident." One of them said.

"An accident? Do you realise, that we now have to dry them off, they have to redo their hair and makeup, and get changed before we can start filming again? Do you even understand the fact that there are now a lot of people who have to redo their work because of two people who weren't even supposed to be near the set? Courtney and Naomi should be the only ones making any mistakes on camera, because they are the only ones who should be seen on camera!" The business mogul was terrifying as she roared at the two men. The entire pool area had fallen completely silent around them.

"Miss Zamolodchikova, they meant no harm, it was a simple mistake." Sara intervened, being one of the heads of marketing.

"Sara, it's not one mistake. This is the thousandth time I've had to correct them. And need I remind you that I've also had to fix your team's bullshit this entire week. Is it so much to expect that your fucking team at least doesn't mess up the one thing you're hired to do? You're hired as a marketing team. We are shooting a commercial which you have been in charge of creating and will be in charge of distrubuting. This isn't my job, it's yours. And yet, you seem to be endlessly incompetent. Jesus, what happened to the Sara I loved, who would be on top of everything and forsee every disaster? Can I please get her back to set, pronto?" Katya said strictly. She reminded Trixie of a teacher scolding their class for misbehaving. 

"Everyone, take fifteen, after that we will try to reset." Andrew stated, seeing how uncomfortable everyone was.

"Oh wow, she does not play around with business, does she? I'm starting to understand what you said about people being scared of her." Naomi told Trixie as she grabbed a robe to dry off.

"I'm sure she's just stressed. With their models dropping out, us coming onboard late, and people continously making mistakes, it's only human to reach a breaking point. Maybe you should try to talk to her, Trix? Might help her calm down?" Courtney suggested, as Naomi nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, I'll try." Trixie said, walking over to the frustrated woman, reaching her just before Andrew had tried to. 

"Hey Trix. Fuck, I'm sorry for lashing out in front of your friends and shit..."

"Baby, shhh, it's okay." The doll said as she started to massage Katya's shoulders gently, leaning down to place a soft kiss beneath her jaw. "You gotta let things go, Kat. Nothing good's gonna come from you being like this. Look around you, look at the paradise you've built. Enjoy it, take your time, relax, and maybe everyone else will also be able to work better. No one works well when they are stressed, nor do they work well when they are scared." She added.

"I just get so frustrated, it feels like everything is constantly on my shoulders." Katya told her in a soft voice, not wanting anyone to hear, despite the fact that most people had stepped away from set for the break already.

"Well, don't you think that's also because you sort of micromanage? If it isn't your job, then it isn't your job. So don't make it your job. Don't look over their shoulder all the time." The doll said as she stepped around to the front of the chair. "You don't have to always be in control, you know? It's okay to put your trust in someone else." She whispered as she wrapped her arms around the blue eyed girl.

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