Chapter 38: One In A Milion

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"Katya? Katya, what are you doing?" Trixie giggled as the older woman lifted her up and threw her on the bed.

"I'm enjoying every moment of us being together again to the fullest." The blue eyed girl responded.

"Together again? We were broken up for like two days." The young girl laughed. 

"Exactly, that's like two whole eternities." Katya said as she pulled the girl's yellow checkered dress off. "You really are ridiculously sexy." She added as she stared lovingly at the gorgeous curves of the brown eyed girl. 

"Well, look who's talking. Honestly, someone your age should not be allowed to be this hot." Trixie said as she pulled off Katya's clothes. 

"Are you calling me old?" 

"Well... I mean, you said it." The doll replied teasingly. 

"Oh my god, you fucking cunt!" Katya laughed out as she pulled the girl across her lap, giving her ass a couple playful slaps. 

"Why don't you get on with fucking my cunt." Trixie joked, making the blue eyed girl release a wheezy laugh.

"Fine, hands and knees, baby." The older woman instructed as she gave the girl's ass yet another short playful spanking. 

Trixie got in position as Katya retrieved a strap-on and lube from her drawer. The blue eyed girl eased two fingers into herself, opening herself up gently before she spread lube on the dildo that would go inside her and slid on the belt, moaning loudly as the dildo brushed against her g-spot. She secured the harness and slapped the silicone dick against Trixie's ass, loving the way the soft flesh jiggled slightly at the contact. The doll wiggled her ass, knowing what was waiting for her, but Katya made no move to put it in her yet.

Instead she leaned down until her mouth was near the girl's core, hovering painfully near without making contact. Trixie whined softly as she felt the other woman's warm breath hit her needy center. Slowly Katya moved forward, licking a stripe up from the girl's clit and around her labia before pushing inside her. 

"Mmhmm, fuck that feels good..." Trixie moaned as the older woman's tounge fucked her.

Katya moaned against her, loving the sweet taste of the girl's juices. She circled her tounge inside the girl before pulling out and flicking it against the doll's swollen clit.

"Please Katya, more. Please fuck me with your dick." The brown eyed girl groaned out.

The blue eyed girl pulled away to spread lube over the large dildo, moving it back and forth against the girl's core to make sure her opening was wet enough.


"Yeah, yes, so ready." Trixie responded before Katya pushed inside her. 

"Aaah! Oh god! Fuck, it's so big." She moaned as the silicone dick stretched her walls and reached deeper inside her than any of her previous dildos had. Katya continued pushing in slowly until the dildo was completely inside the girl, circling her hips once it was which made the brown eyed girl whine.

"I love you." Katya whispered as she leaned forward to kiss the doll's shoulder softly which made Trixie sigh as she relaxed around the object inside her.

"Oh, I love you too... Mhmm, you can move." The brown eyed girl spoke breathlessly. 

Katya pulled her hips back halfway before moving back in. Once she was sure that Trixie was loose enough, she pulled almost all the way out and slammed back in, making the entire bed rock. 

"AH SHIT! God, faster Katya." Trixie groaned out. 

The older woman followed suit, thrusting faster but keeping the intensity of each movement. Each thrust reached deep inside the doll and made the dildo inside Katya move aswell, allowing them both to chase their highs at the same time. The blue eyed girl slapped the doll's ass, soft imprints remaining on the flushed skin.

"Fuck, you look so pretty, Trixie. So gorgeous babygirl. My pretty baby." Katya spoke as she rammed into the girl.

"Uh.. you feel so good, Kat. So fucking good. I'm so close." The doll moaned as she felt her body shake. 

With a few more deep thrusts they were both coming undone, the high of pleasure taking over. Katya's movements slowed before she pulled out completely, leaving Trixie's hole gaping and needy. The tight muscles clenching wantonly around nothing. The blue eyed girl undid the harness, removing her own dildo, before she threw the sex toys to the floor. 

Trixie rolled over, opening her arms sweetly for Katya to fall into. Skin against skin meeting eachother in the most intimate way. They say distance makes the heart grow stronger, but Katya more so thought that fighting to be together again was what had made their bond stronger. Once more something indescribable had changed between them, some deeper connection having miraculously appeared. 

"You know what you are?" Katya asked suddenly.

"Ehm, no." The doll said in a confused tone since the question had come out of nowhere.

"You're my gravity." 

"That's really cheesy, Katya." Trixie giggled, making the older woman pout in an overly dramatic way. "It's cute tho." The doll added, giving the older woman a sweet kiss.

"You're cute." Katya said, kissing the brown eyed girl's nose.

"I hope we'll stay like this forever. I've seen love change, I've seen the tables turning so fast it would give you whiplash. I know love's a blessing, but I've seen it so cursed, and I just.. I never want that to happen to us." Trixie said in a serious tone.

"That won't happen to us, I promise. A promise is a promise, and I give my word to you. I don't know the secret to destiny, but I still feel pretty damn sure that we were meant to meet. I love you endlessly, so let's throw all the worries into the abyss." Katya assured her, wrapping her up tightly. 

"Okay, let's throw the worries into the abyss... You know what you are, Katya?" Trixie said.

"No, tell me." The older woman responded as excitedly as a child.

"You're my one in a million."

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