Chapter 11: Living Simply

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The room was hot, Trixie's skin burning up despite how little she was wearing. She'd been dancing for ages, internally hoping that her favorite pair of ocean blue eyes were watching her, even tho she knew Katya likely had better things to do. The buzz of alcohol made her body feel electrified. She wasn't drunk, just more carefree than usual. 

Suddenly a man gripped her from behind, his arm going around her waist and his other hand traveling across her form. She'd been dancing with the people around her for a while, but there was a huge difference between playfully grinding on strangers and a guy holding her so tightly that she was unable to get away whilst groping her. Trixie was quickly becoming uncomfortable and slightly scared as his hand went to the hem of her short dress. But seconds later the man was completely removed from her body, a familiar woman standing in front of her with his wrist held in a painfully tight grip.

"What is it today? Is it asshole day?" She could barely hear Katya mumble, seemingly more to herself than anyone else.

"What the fuck? Who do you think you are?" The man yelled.

"I'm the girl who's gonna get you killed unless you get the fuck away from my girlfriend." The blue eyed girl said, dropping the man's wrist and giving him a sarcastic smile as she held out her hand and added; "Katya."

The man huffed and walked away as two security guards came to stand behind Katya, most likely trained for such situations and trained to protect the owner of their club. 

"You okay?" Katya asked as she looked over the doll's arms for wounds or bruises. Trixie wasn't sure why, as it was clearly unlikely that the man had injured her, but she did find the gesture adorably caring.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Can we maybe head out to the small rooms tho?" The brown eyed doll asked, wanting a break from the booming music and wanting to take the opportunity to talk to the red lipped woman.

"Yeah, sure." Katya said, signaling something to the guards that made them step back before she took the doll's hand and let her out through one of the corridors to one of the small bizarre rooms. This one however was in a side hallway that Trixie had never seen before and required a key to get into which lead her to think that Katya had probably built this room for herself.

Trixie sat down on the red couch against the wall, this one also featuring legs made out of fake feet. The blue eyed woman however went to a closet in the corner which proved to be a mini bar.

"You want anything?" She asked as she pulled out a Red Bull for herself.

"Just water, I've had enough to drink." The doll said with a slight giggle. Katya quickled grabbed a bottle and handed it to the other girl as she sat down next to her.

"So, your private room?" Trixie asked as she took a sip of water.

"Ehm, yeah, kind of nice to get away from everything occasionally. I like to go an hide here." She laughed as she scratched her neck a little awkwardly. "I'm sorry about calling you my girlfriend by the way, like if that made you uncomfortable or anything... I just figured it was the easiest way to get that asshole to fuck off, and I was kind of already pissed because of the meeting I had." The blue eyed girl added after a while.

"Oh, I-I really, like I didn't mind.. It's fine." Trixie replied with a deep blush as hearing that word leave those perfectly cherry colored lips only made fireworks erupt inside her. 

"Okay, good. I was kind of worried I'd freaked you out." The blue eyed girl said. 

"No, not at all. What happened with the meeting by the way?"

"Uh, well, the men I was meeting with kind of made some inappropriate comments about you and I got pissed and told them the deal was off?" Katya admitted.

"Katya, you didn't have to cancel a business deal because someone said something about me. I'm a camgirl, I'm used to gross comments." Trixie said, feeling bad that she had potentially been the cause of the business woman loosing a major deal. However, she was also flattered and impressed that Katya put her, and actually just good behaviour in general, above money.

"I know, but you shouldn't have to be." Katya said in a sincere tone, making a sweet blush appear on the doll's porcelain cheeks once more. "Seriously Trixie, you deserve to be treated like a princess." She added after taking another sip of Red Bull.

Trixie felt her heart swell at that, moving closer to the other woman, their thighs barely touching eachother.

"Would you treat me like a princess?" She asked, lowering the tone of her voice a little.

"If you'd let me." Katya replied before her lips were captured in a passionate kiss, soft pillowy lips that tasted of cherries and alcohol meeting hers. Trixie's arms came around her neck, pulling her closer, her own hands wrapping themselves around the doll's tiny waist.

Katya swore she could have died happily for just experiencing that moment. 

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