Chapter 32: Goodbye Love

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The drive to Katya's seemed endlessly long, Trixie's heart breaking every second of the way. But she needed to do this. She need to do this for Katya. There was no other way. 

When she arrived she quickly made her way upstairs with her suitcase, thanking the God's above for the fact that alot of Katya's staff had Sundays off. Her phone was ringing non stop and so she reluctantly turned it off, knowing it was her girlfriend calling.
A part of her desperately wanting to fall into the safety of the woman's arms, but the other part of her knowing that trying to stay with Katya after this would be selfish. 

It felt like ripping out her soul to remove every trace of them living together from Katya's house, but she still continued on swiftly, knowing the time limit she was facing. 

For how could she leave if she looked into those bright blue eyes?

How could she go if those ocean blues begged her to stay?

She couldn't. She wouldn't be able to.
That's why she needed to go now.

Once everything was packed up, she sat down on the bed with a piece of paper and a pen in hand. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she wrote out the letter, the ink smudging as the drops of water hit it. 

"Goodbye, my love." She whispered as she kissed the letter, leaving it on the bed along with her key for Katya's house.

She made her way downstairs and halted as she saw a familiar face.

"Trixie?" The man's voice said in surprise.

"Andrew.." Trixie said in barely more than a whisper. 

"What are you doing? Katya's been trying to reach you." Andrew said as he observed the suitcase the girl was dragging behind her.

"Where is she?" The brown eyed girl asked nervously.

"On her way home again, her parents skipped their flight because of everything going on. What are you doing tho? Are you going somewhere?" The man asked.

"Yes... Listen, I don't expect you to understand, but I need to leave. It's best for everyone." Trixie said as she turned towards the door, but the Asian man grabbed her arm.

"Trixie, don't leave. We'll handle those articles. We all know that what they are saying is bullshit. And I'll admit I judged you alot when Katya told me about what you worked as, but you proved me wrong. I know you love her, and she loves you, so don't do this." Andrew said.

"I know she loves me, that's why she won't let go of me even if it's right for her business and for her. And I love her, so, so much... That's why I need to do this. She deserves better than to be affiliated with me... She deserves better than me in general..." The doll responded.

"Trixie..." Andrew tried to argue again.

"No, I've made up my mind. Please, just let me leave with what little dignity I have left... There's a letter for Katya on her bed, can you make sure she reads it?" Trixie said.

"Okay, I'll make sure she gets it." The man replied, knowing he was fighting a lost battle.

Trixie walked out the door, turning back for a moment to take a picture in her memory before she put her suitcase in the back and drove away, leaving behind the best part of her life.

As she drove along the long road to Milwaukee she felt it strange how the rest of the world continued on.
The rain still fell, the children still played, and the stars still gleamed, all as if nothing had happened. The earth turned around and around, and the rivers kept flowing, but Trixie was dying inside.

What would she do without Katya?

How would she manage?

What was even awaiting her in Milwaukee?


"Goodbye LA. Goodbye California. Goodbye Trixie Mattel..." She whispered as she continued on.

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