Chapter 27: They See Your Every Move

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"Look, I really don't know what you want me to do with this information, Andrew." Katya said in a tone that screamed; I'm over it. 

"Well, frankly I'd want you to take it a bit more seriously." Andrew said in an annoyed tone.

"What is there to take seriously? All we know is that Jeff has heard rumors of someone doing an exposé on me. Now tell me, why the hell should we waste our time focusing on dumb rumors?" She replied, slumping back in her chair.

"Listen, this time it's bigger, okay? This stuff they've got on you, whatever it is, it's spreading fast, Katya. Clearly something about it is interesting enough for it to be spread around. Jeff and the others are trying to get it buried before it gets printed, but we might not be able to stop it this time." The man said seriously.

"People have exposed me in the past, it's always some ridiculous exclusive scoop that turns out to be completely false. Just think of all of the articles that exposed me as a member of the Russian mafia. Or better yet, that ridiculous story about me being an undercover Russian spy!" Katya told him.

For years this had been happening, some fucking gossip magazine that would make up some ridiculous story to increase sales and trend on Twitter. Katya's name was well-known and so any outrageous story about her would blow up straight away. However they'd also be forgotten in a week's time, and they were usually easily deniable. 

"I don't think it's anything like that this time. There has to be a reason why no one will leak what it's about. This is bigger, Katya. I'm sure of it. This is something that they think you can't disprove. Jeff sounded panicked when he told me, and even his source won't mention any specifics." 

"Well, there's still no use of stressing over it until the problem comes. We will deal with it when it happens, unless Jeff can figure out a way to bury the story before that. We'll know in due time." She replied nonchalantly. 

"Katya, I'm not trying to be dramatic, I'm just trying to protect you and the business Empire you've built. I care about you a lot, for God's sake, you're one of my closest friends, but I can't help you if you won't even accept that we've got a real issue on our hands." Andrew said.

"I'm treating it like a real issue; a real issue that might come, but that isn't here yet." The blue eyed woman replied.

"So you're just going to do nothing? Hope it doesn't come and hope it isn't anything serious if it does? You're not gonna take any precautions?" The man asked.

"What precautions? We don't know what the issue is yet! Now listen, I have to go pick up my parents from the airport. They are gonna be here all weekend and they'll be meeting Trixie for the first time, so I do not want to hear anymore of this. This maybe - issue can wait until Monday. For once I'm gonna actually take off work and enjoy some time with my family." Katya told him as she stood up from her seat, packing up her things before walking towards the door to her office.

"Katya, of all the times you decide to suddenly take off work, it's now? When we might have a crisis on our hands?" Andrew said in a frustrated voice.

"Yes, and the keyword is might, we might have a crisis. We most likely do not. On Monday we'll regroup and discuss all of this, but for now, we're all gonna take a breather. I gotta run, I'll see you Monday." The woman said before running out the door.

"I hope you're right, Katya. I really hope you're right." The man whispered as he looked out the window and saw his friend's car drive away into the dark night.

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