Chapter 17: Pieces of Memories

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When Trixie walked out her door she was met by the familiar black limo and a stunning woman leaning against it. Trixie's heart nearly stopped at the sight, Katya was wearing a formfitting, short black dress with sheer sleeves, her hair curled more intentionally than usually and her lips coated in her signature deep red lipstick.
They looked like polar opposites as Trixie had chosen a cute pink 50s dress, but somehow the Barbie thought that made them even more perfect.
They were like Yin and Yang, she thought. They completed eachother.

"You look incredible." Katya said, giving the doll a quick peck before leading her into the limo.

"Thank you. You do too, like seriously absolutely amazing." Trixie responded as she leaned to put on a seatbelt, only to have the blue eyed girl lean over and do it for her when she couldn't get it to lock into place, making a deep blush appear on her cheeks.

"Thanks." Trixie mumbled embarrassed.

"You're welcome, baby." Katya replied sweetly, taking the doll's hand in hers, loving how perfectly they fit together.

Soon enough they arrived at their destination, a luxerious resturant on the outskirts of LA called "где сбываются мечты".
It was a beautiful building, breathtaking even, all dark brick with intricate white detailing. It reminded Trixie of the pictures she'd seen of European castles, but of course, smaller.

Inside it had pure white walls covered with gold framed mirrors in different sizes, chandeliers of different styles and sizes hanging from the ceiling, small round rosewood tables, and antique chairs of every variety you could imagine. Trixie quickly understood why it was a restaurant Katya liked, having seen her love for chaotic furniture at the girl's club. 

"Welcome Miss Zamolodchikova, your table is ready for you." The hostess told them, leading them through the restaurant into a private room which had walls covered with climbing plants and twinkeling lights giving it a magical feel. The pair sat down as a young man entered the room. 

"This is Charles, he'll be your waiter for the evening." The hostess said.

"Thank you, Sasha." Katya told the woman before she bowed and exited.

"Here are you menues. Can I get you anything to drink?" The boy asked as he placed the menues down in front of them.

"How do you feel about champagne, Trix?" Katya asked.

"I've never had it, but I'd love to try." The doll answered cutely.

"We'll have a bottle of Cristal." The Russian-American stated.

"An excellent choice, I'll return with it in a moment." Charles said, turning around in an elegant motion and leaving the pair alone.

Trixie giggled as she took in her surroundings once more, each and every detail about the place fascinating to her. The doll had more than enough money, but not this kind of money.
This was the type of place that normal people would splurge on going to maybe once in their lifetime, if even that.

"What does it mean, the restaurant name?" Trixie asked suddenly, pulling Katya's eyes away from the menu.

"It means Where Dreams Come True. This used to be an apartment building many years ago, Sasha's grandfather lived there. One night he asked Sasha's grandmother to marry him, she said yes, and therefor that place was where their dreams came true. They eventually started the restaurant and the rest is history." Katya explained.

"That's so sweet." The doll said in awe at the love story.

"It truly is. I mostly come here because they have the best Russian food in town and that reminds me of the meals my grandmother would make whenever we'd visit Russia. She's not around anymore so this is the closest I can get. Lord knows my dad can't cook for shit." Katya said, laughing as she reached her last sentence, making Trixie laugh too.

The doll felt a little sad moments later tho, wishing she could have had a similar relationship with her own family. How she wished she wouldn't have had to run away and get a fake name. How she wished she could see her grandpa and grandma again, not that she even knew that they were still alive.

"What about your family? You guys close?" Katya asked, unaware of how complicated of a question that was. Trixie just froze until she saw their waiter return.

"Oh look, the champagne is here." She said in false excitement, trying to avoid the question desperately. Unfortunately Katya saw right through her, and as the blue eyed woman knew little about the doll, the girl's reluctance to share something personal seemed important.

"Thank you, leave us for a moment. We're not ready to order yet." The blue eyed woman stated.

The boy exited right away, but did look a little confused. When he was gone, Katya leaned on the table, looking deep into the honey brown eyes of the doll across from her.

"Trixie? Why are you avoiding the question?"

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