Chapter 8: Six Impossible Things

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The next month went by with the same routine. Whenever Katya couldn't make the livestream, Trixie would be completely distracted, and whenever the girl could make it, they'd follow it up with a private show. Trixie had even started streaming every day in the hope that Katya would be able to make more shows, the mysterious hotel mogul taking up her entire life.

"Trixie, you need to get out of this fucking appartment." Her best friend, Kim told her strictly.

Kim was a makeup artist that Trixie had met not long after moving to LA, and the pair had quickly become close. Trixie liked that the Korean girl would always be brutally honest, that was, except on this specific occasion.

"But, I have a stream tonight." The doll replied. 

"I know, you've been doing them daily and it's starting to become very obvious that it's somehow related to whoever that RedScare person is." 

"You watched? Ew Kim." Trixie deadpanned.

"Trix, no one's seen you. You haven't been answering texts or calls. So yeah, obviously I checked the stream, I needed to know if you were alive. But I didn't need to stay for long to figure out what the fuck was going on, your comment section was full of people pointing it out. Honestly thank god, because I do not wanna see your orgasm face." Kim said.

"Okay, so maybe it's gotten a little out of hand... I just, I can't stop it..." The Barbie said as she sat down on her couch.

"So who is she?" The Asian woman asked, sitting down next to Trixie.

"Her name is Katya, Katya Zamolodchikova... She owns like a gazillion hotels all over the world, so she's very much, extremely out of my league. But she is so fucking gorgeous, and sweet, and funny, and I can't stop thinking about her, and I hate myself for it..." The blonde girl said sadly. 

Kim wrapped the doll up in a hug, hating seeing her usually confident and happy-go-lucky friend feeling so insecure and upset. 

"Oh, Trix... How about we go out tonight, huh? Forget the stream, forget Katya, forget everything. Let's gather the girls, get drunk, flirt with strangers, and dance the night away. What do you say?" 

"That sounds good." The doll answered meekly.

"Okay, you go get dressed, and I'll call up the others." Kim said, earning a simple nod in response.

Trixie headed into her closet and picked out a skin tight, hot pink, latex dress that hugged every curve of her body. She grabbed some matching heels and started doing her makeup. A while after, Kim came into the room, praising Trixie's outfit before helping herself to an outfit out of the doll's closet. Soon enough they were all dressed and ready to go, Trixie feeling like she had a life outside of her appartment for the first time in a while.

Maybe Kim was right, maybe this would be good for her.
A night with her friends couldn't hurt, right?
At least she'd get her mind off Katya, get to hang with other people, and not spend the night fucking herself sore in the hope that the blue eyed woman would at some point join her stream.

They headed to Krisis Kontrol where their friends Naomi, Jaida, Courtney, and Amy were already waiting for them. Krisis Kontrol was a club in Downtown, they'd been there before as it was one of the hottest clubs in LA, but it had been a while since Trixie had gone. 

It was even more incredible then she remembered. Deep red walls with black accents, a large main dance floor surrounded by booths, and a staircase that lead up to the VIP section. Trixie had been to the VIP section once, remembering that it too had a divide, being split into general VIP and then the special area with a large booth that belonged to the owner, whom she did not know the name of. There were also corridors all throughout the building that lead into smaller rooms where you could get away from the booming music. In addition there was an outdoor area in the back with a bar where people could freely smoke or get some air.

Krisis Kontrol really was special tho, on the walls and tables there were countless random nicknacks like two headed ducks, tiny hands, a large owl with no eyes, broken tv's, large tarot cards and more. In addition, many of the smaller rooms had insane details like the furniture being made with fake human feet rather than legs, carnival mirrors in different sizes, and walls that made the rooms seem askew. The club somehow managed to seem like something from Alice In Wonderland mixed with a horror movie, and yet it managed to appear chic and elegant.

"I'm gonna go get a drink." Trixie told her friends after they'd settled into a booth near the dance floor. She walked over to one of the total six bars within the club, ordering a shot of vodka and mojito before turning around to see the one person she was trying to mentally escape for the night.


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