Chapter 13: Bodies Overlap

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Trixie did keep her promise, not instigating anything as the pair made their way through Katya's house, or more accurately, mansion. However, as soon at they'd stepped foot into the blue eyed woman's bedroom, the doll attacked Katya's lips whilst she kicked the door shut. She pushed Katya up against the door, their tounges fighting for dominance, but Katya winning as she gripped the doll's ass hungrily making Trixie moan into the kiss.

"Get this fucking thing off me." Trixie said as they finally pulled away for air, having already tried and failed to pull off the latex dress by herself. 

The Barbie had expected Katya to just rip it off quickly. Instead however, the woman got on her knees in front of her, kissing her way up each leg, her lipstick leaving little red marks as she made her way towards the hemline of the garment. Katya's soft hands slowly rolled the latex up over the doll's curvy form, uncovering the girl's body bit by bit as if carefully unwrapping a gift. Her luscious lips followed, kissing the overheated skin as her hands continued to push the dress upwards.

Once she reached the girl's large breasts she pulled the dress completely off before attacking Trixie's cleavage with kisses and light bites as she unhooked the girl's bra and pulled the offending garment off. She took one boob in her hand, squeesing it and flicking the sensitive nub, as she sucked on the swollen nipple of the other, whilst the doll let out high pitched whines.

Trixie's hands went to Katya's jacket, unbuttoning it and pushing it down her shoulders, signaling for the girl to take it off which the woman did moments later. The doll marveled at the older woman's toned stomach and perky breasts, her thighs clenching together at the strong arms that were littered with detailed dark ink, arms that she was sure could easily pick her up and throw her on the bed.

The doll got down on her knees, kissing the skin above the older woman's hipbone, her honey brown eyes looking up for permission as she played with the button of Katya's slacks. With a nod from the woman above her, she unbuttoned them and pulled the zipper down with her teeth, the pants falling straight to the floor, leaving the girl only in her red lace panties. Katya stepped out of the slacks and kicked them away clumsily as Trixie got up, taking the blue eyed woman's hand and leading her towards the king-sized bed in the middle of the room.

Katya suddenly pushed the doll down to the bed, searching the girl's gorgeous eyes for any doubt before pulling her thong off and pulling the girl's legs apart. She settled in between them, nipping at the soft skin of Trixie's thick thighs and blowing hot air directly unto her dripping center, making the girl squirm. 

"Please." Trixie moaned out.

"Please what?" Katya teased before going back to kissing, sucking and nipping the inside of the doll's upper thighs, so close and yet so far from where the brown eyed girl needed her most.

"Please just.. fuck..uuh." The doll spoke incoherently as the older woman's thumb came to just barely touch her clit.

"I don't know what that means." The blue eyed girl mocked with a smirk.

"God, just fuck me already!" Trixie yelled out as the other woman licked a thick stripe up the lenght of her labia. 

"Oh babygirl, please don't yell. Ask me nicely. Beg for it." Katya responded, one of her fingers tracing the outline of the younger girl's opening, yet never entering. The touch tormenting the needy girl below her.

"Please Katya, please fuck me. I need it. I need you. Fuck, I want you so bad, wanted you for so long. Please, fuck me." The girl begged desperately. 

"Good girl."

Katya pushed two fingers inside the girl, thrusting into her harshly, and curling her fingers upwards on occasion. The girl moaned like a pornstar, highpitched whines and groans leaving her Barbie pink lips as she groped her own tits. The older woman leaned in, introducing her tounge again.

"More, fuck please, more." Trixie begged. Katya however pulled away completely making the doll almost want to cry at the loss. 

"Turn over, hands and knees." The older woman said, being met with a look of confusion on Trixie's face.

"Now, babygirl." Katya said at the lack of reaction, slapping the girl's inner thigh for emphasis, the doll moaning at the action as it caused vibrations to her core. 

Trixie quickly turned on her stomach and got on her hands and knees, her wet pussy on full display for the other girl. Katya's fingers teased the opening and the doll unintentionally pushed back against the touch, but was met with a hard slap to her ass making her moan out in pain and pleasure.

"You're so pretty, Trixie. So pretty for me, so wet and puffy and ready. So desperate for my touch." Katya said as her eyes raked over the girl, trying to save every detail in her memory, the fact that the doll was even in front of her still seeming like a dream.

"Mhmm, need your touch, Katya. Please.." The girl whined. 

"Well, since you asked so nicely."

Katya's fingers entered the girl again as she herself settled down on the girl's calf, grinding against it as she rammed three digits inside the needy girl. Her pace was quick, much quicker then before, each thrust hard enough to make the bed rock back and forth from the force. She slapped the girl's ass again, loving how it made Trixie scream her name in pleasure. 

"God, you fuck me so good. So fucking hard, uh, fuck, feels good. Don't stop, baby. Please don't stop, Katya. I'm so close." Trixie said as she pushed back against the older woman's hand. 

Katya grinded harder against the girl's leg as she felt the doll clench tightly around her fingers. She added yet another digit, increasing the tempo even further, thrusting her arm back and forth so hard and fast that she could feel her muscles cramp up.

"Ah! AH, fuck Katya. Holy shit! Ah-Ah baby, fuck! KATYA!" Trixie yelled out as she came, squirting onto the sheets and Katya's hand.

The older woman pulled back, halting her grinding movements despite not yet finishing. Trixie noticed and suddenly turned around, pushing Katya down against the matress and pulling off her panties before eating her out intensely. Katya's hand went into the voluminous blonde curls, her thighs nearly crushing the girl's head as the doll's tounge fucked her masterfully. 

"Holy shit, Trixie." Katya groaned as she pushed the girl impossibly closer to make her hot, wet tounge reach deeper inside her pussy. With a couple more thrusts of the doll's tounge and her nose putting pressure on Katya's engorged nub, the older woman came completely undone. 

Once they had come down from their highs, Trixie sat up a little awkwardly. She wasn't certain if she was allowed to stay, having experienced enough people that just wanted her out as soon as the sex was over. 

"Do you.. uhm, do you want me to go?" The brown eyed girl asked with a nervous and shy tone, a cute blush coating her cheeks. If you'd seen her, you would never have guessed she was the same girl who had been begging to be fucked earlier on.

"No!" Katya almost yelled, before realising how psycho that had sounded. "I mean.. please stay." She added, now sporting a blush matching Trixie's.

"Okay. I'll stay." Trixie replied with a soft smile, laying down next to Katya and falling asleep wrapped up in the safety of her strong arms.

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