Chapter 5: Type and Search

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That name had taken over Trixie's entire life. The entire weekend had passed with dreams about the mysterious blue eyed woman. The brown eyed doll had touched herself to the memory of Friday's private more than she'd like to admit. Moans of the blue eyed girl's name filling her bedroom, her shower, and her living room all throughout the weekend.

Trixie wondered who the woman was, who she really was.
She had looked older than the doll, which was even more of a turn on as Trixie loved older women. Older single women were usually more comfortable in their sexuality, and also didn't feel the need to go out to clubs every single night. Trixie liked clubs, but only on occasion.

The doll suddenly realised that she didn't even really know if Katya was single. Trixie had just assumed she was, but really the girl could just be in a boring relationship or something.
Besides, it wasn't as if Trixie would ever be anything more than a fantasy on screen that people masturbated to. Still, she couldn't help but hope that Katya was indeed single and that they'd somehow start dating. Unrealistic, but hey, a girl can dream, right?

Trixie figured that Katya had to be someone important, or related to someone important.
Who else would have enough money to tip a camgirl $3000 and act like it was nothing more than pocket money? How many people were even called Katya? There couldn't be that many, at least not in the US, right? The name sounded foreign, but Katya had sounded American. Well, if Katya even was her name, for all Trixie knew it could be fake. Afterall, she herself used a fake name.

They say curiousity killed the cat, but Trixie was like Alice and couldn't help but jump down the rabbit hole. And so, she quickly typed "Katya" into Google, hoping the girl would be well-known enough to have a Wikipedia page or something.

"Holy shit.." The brown eyed girl said as she saw a ton of results and the familiar woman's face come up.

Katya Zamolodchikova

Yekaterina Petrovna Zamolodchikova
May 1, 1984 (age 36)
Boston, Massachussetts, U.S.

Yekaterina Petrovna Zamolodchikova (Russian: Екатерина Петро́вна Замоло́дчикова) is a Russian-American business woman and investor. She is the owner of the Zamo International, which operates 7,484 resorts, hotels and other properties in 130 countries and territories around the world. In 2019 Zamo International was declared the world's 2nd largest hotel chain by number of available rooms.

As of September 2020, Zamolodchikova was listed by Forbes as having a fortune of US$33.5billion, making her the 5th-richest woman in the world, and the 28th-richest person in the world.

Zamolodchikova started building her chain at the age of 25 with The Zamo Hotel in Boston, Massachusettes.

Trixie sat back in shock.

Katya wasn't just rich.
Katya was a fucking billionaire.

She would be lying if that didn't make her stomach drop, any hope of dating Katya dissappearing, because why would someone like that spend time on someone like Trixie?

She clicked away from the Wikipedia page and looked through photos instead, marveling at the beautiful woman. There was an elegance over her, the woman in some pictures almost seeming regal. Her bone structure mixed with her bright blue eyes created an intensity and strenght, almost daring you to challenge her power. 

Trixie wondered why someone like her had even bothered looking at a cam-site. Katya had stated that it was her first time, but honestly why even stay on the page? How and why was someone so sexy, so genuinely nice, and so rich and powerful, not just at home getting railed by her girlfriend?  If it was up to Trixie, that girl would never have time to watch other women, on- or off-line.

"Stop it, Trixie. She's just a viewer, don't get any ideas." The girl told herself as she shook her head as if it would make the thoughts fly out of her brain. It didn't work tho, the name still repeating itself in her mind like a mantra.


"Oh, how I wish I could have been yours." Trixie thought as she closed the laptop.

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