Chapter 26: You Make Me Feel Special

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Trixie was sat in Katya's living room, or well, their living room, watching Clueless.

It had been over a week since she'd started to move in and still she had to remind herself that this was her home too now. It felt incredible tho, just the thought of having someone to come home to. It was a feeling she hadn't felt since she was sixteen, and even then it was clouded by fear and dread. Coming home to Katya was completely different.

These days Trixie mainly used her apartment to livestream whilst all of her other time was spent at the house. The doll enjoyed that part aswell, the idea of actually going to work and coming home from work, and separating her online life from her real life.

"Welcome home miss Zamolodchikova." Trixie heard Katya's butler say. 

In no time at all, the young girl was running out in the foyer to great her beautiful girlfriend. She flung herself into Katya's arms, the older woman responding by swinging them around for a while before setting the doll down.

"Hi baby." Katya said before leaning down for a kiss.

"I missed you." Trixie whined dramatically.

"You saw me this morning, Trix." The blue eyed girl laughed as she walked into the living room with Trixie.

"Exactly, that's too long." The doll pouted cutely. Katya looked towards the TV-screen and instantly reckognized the movie playing as one of the Barbie's favorites.

"Really? Clueless again?" She teased.

"What's that supposed to mean? Yes, Clueless again. That movie was a cultural reset, it changed the lives of an entire generation, gave us an entirely new language which only we may understand. Also, you watch Contact almost daily, so don't come at me." Trixie argued.

"Oh please, I do not watch it daily, I just talk about it from time to time. I watch other things too." Katya responded.

"Time to time? You talk about it constantly! But yeah, you watch other things, like every Julia Roberts movie ever, even if you don't like them." 

"Okay, okay, you win. Watch Clueless to your heart's content." The blue eyed woman said with a small laugh. Trixie leaned against her, snuggling into her chest as she pressed play again. 

Katya loved moments like this with her. The little things, the casual moments, the daily routine. It made her think of one day being married to the brown eyed girl. Living together until they were old and grey. Arguing lightheartedly about things that didn't matter. That was a life she could see herself loving for forever.

"Oh, by the way, my parents called and they're coming to visit this weekend. They were wondering if we wanted to have dinner with them on Saturday. They're landing friday night and I know you're streaming on Sunday, so I figured Saturday was the best time. You don't have to stay here whilst they are, but I'd really love it if you'd come with us to dinner." Katya said.

"Meet your parents? You want me to meet your parents?" Trixie asked with wide eyes.

"Well, yeah, you're my girlfriend, and I love you, so I want you to meet them." The blue eyed woman replied, suddenly realising what she'd said.

"You... you love me?" Trixie asked in shock, pausing the movie and turning towards the other woman. "Please tell me that you mean it, like it's not just something you toss around or something." 

"No, not at all. I love you. I really, really love you, Trixie. I think I might have loved you since I first saw you." Katya admitted.

"Katya, I love you too." Trixie replied with tears of joy rolling down her pink cheeks. Their lips met in a delicate kiss, the love they had for eachother showing more clearly through actions than words could ever describe it. 

"So, will you meet my parents?" Katya said as they pulled away.

"I would love to. God, I love you so much." The brown eyed girl responded and soon their lips connected once more.

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