Chapter 31: Running Out The Door

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It didn't start right away...
Trixie's Sunday livestream was going well at first, her usual crowd happy as she fucked herself with a rabbit vibrator. But suddenly thousands of comments started rolling in. In seconds her comment section filled up with hate, whilst some of her viewers tried to stick up for her.

anon15823: slut

anon90256: go die you fucking whore

KittyGirl: What the fuck? Leave Trixie alone

anon79575: golddigging whore

anon840159: You're disgusting. I'm sure your parents are ashamed that you were even born.

r4ady4action: What the hell is wrong with you people? Why are you attacking her?

Trixie stared at the screen in shock for a couple minutes before she pulled out the vibrator and turned it off. She had never experienced that level of hate comments, most of all because you needed an account to comment on the site. When more came pouring in and she felt tears threatening to spill, she abruptly ended the stream. 

She felt more fragile than she'd ever felt in her entire life. Feeling the need to cover up, she threw on her underwear, and a knitted pink and white checkered sweater dress with little hearts on it, the sweater acting like her safety blanket.

Suddenly her phone started blowing up with messages from her friends, all of them containing a link to an article and asking her if she'd seen it yet. 
She clicked one of them open, gasping and shaking her head as she saw pictures of her and Katya in Saint-Tropez, her modeling lingerie for Katya in Saint-Tropez, and multiple semi-blurred screenshots from her livestreams.

At the top of the article was the headline;

Katya Zamolodchikova is dating camgirl Trixie Mattel! Or is she only paying for her?

She clicked on another link, and every article was equally awful. All of them naming Trixie as the bad guy and basically stating that she was some sort of prostitute. Not only that, but they'd linked to the camgirl site she was on, which explained the sudden storm of hate. 

Trixie felt overwhelmed, anxious and scared, and all she knew was that she needed to get away. She needed to get away from everything.

In a rush she started packing up her most needed things in a suitcase, grabbing the other empty one and placing them both out in the hall.
Then suddenly there was a knock on Trixie's door.

"Trixie? Are you in there?" She heard Kim's voice yell. The weeping girl made her way over to the door and opened it.

"Oh honey, it's okay, Trixie. You're gonna be okay." Kim said as she wrapped the brown eyed girl up in her arms. 

"How can I be? They're suggesting that I'm either an escort or a sugarbaby... They've named me a gold digger and say I'm exploiting Katya's wealth." Trixie cried, hating the image that the reporters had created of her. 

"I know, and I won't lie to you, it's bad. Katya Zamolodchikova is trending at number 1 on Twitter. Where is Katya anyways?" Kim said as she walked the crying girl over to her couch.

"Driving her parents to the airport probably. I'm not sure if she even knows yet. But I'm sure Ron and Andrew will be blowing up her phone.." The doll replied.

"You haven't talked to her yet?" 

"No, I only just found out... And I'm actually not sure I wanna talk to her." Trixie said.

"What? Why?" Kim replied confused.

"Because she's gonna try to convince me to stay..."

"Convince you to stay? You're leaving?" The other girl said in a shocked tone.

"I have to, Kim. I can't be here, not through this. Thanks for all you've done for me, and always treating me decently despite my job, but I have to go." Trixie said sadly. 

"Treating you decently was never a sacrifice, Trixie. What you do isn't shameful!" Kim insisted.

"Still, I can't stay... I have to go home..." The brown eyed girl replied.

"Listen, I'll support you through anything, even this if it's what you need. But are you really sure about going home?" Kim asked.

"Yeah... at least there I'm invisible. Maybe someday you can visit me?" Trixie said.

"Of course. Of course, I'll come visit." Kim assured her. "What are you gonna do about Katya?" 

"I'll pack up the rest of my things, clear out my closet at Katya's, drop off the key and leave her a letter explaining myself. And then I'll get in the car and just go... Chalk all this up to experience... Go back home to my very small pond and deal with whatever awaits me there... I actually need to leave quickly. I can't risk her returning home. I love Katya more than she'd ever know, but that's also why I can't let her throw away her life on staying with me." Trixie said as she stood up to gather the rest of her things. Kim stood up to and headed towards the door.

"I won't say that I agree with you running away, but I won't stop you. I'm sorry you're leaving, especially under these circumstances, but I hope in time you'll find happiness. Goodbye, Trixie." The girl said as she wrapped Trixie up in a tight hug, the kind you'd only get from a sister or best friend.

"Goodbye Kim. Thank you for always being an amazing friend." Trixie cried as she pulled away and watched her friend leave. She picked up her things and pulled the suitcases down to her car, driving off to Katya's for the very last time.

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