ABY :: 87

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its been two whole weeks since i received the letter confirming that i passed the audition and im now part of new york big machine company.

i had never imagined working with such a huge entertainment around the world. i was fine working with only at pledis and some other artists who wants to work with me. . i still felt surreal every time im looking at the paper and looking at the contract i signed days ago.

it was my impossible dream, but here i am now. . in just a week, ill be flying and started achieving my one and only dream. i still cant beleive. after everything, after every impossible, here i am. im so proud of myself.

within this month, my mom went here to confirm everything what i had told her on the skype. just like me, she cant believe that im now part of one of the huge companyㅡentertainment around the globe. she cried to me so much, telling me how much shes proud of having me as his son. i thought that she wont let me since it was too far from here, i had to travel sixteen hours or more using the plane. and it wasnt easy.

she told me that she'll be fine here since she was with solji-ssi everytime, and shes now seeing someone. she'll be fine here as long as i achieved my dreams there. that made me tear up seeing how much shes proud of me. i will always giving back the chances she gave me to achieve my dreams. my mom is like the way i treated my friends.

she is my biggest inspiration. and this is all for her. i wouldn't have done those without her, she is my first and ever fan.

and within those weeks and up until now, my friends had been giving me advices of what should i do there, and should i not. they keep giving me things that would remember them when i finally flew there. . and to tell you, there's many. i have minghao's boxer which was hello kitty. fucktard. wonwoo's computer mouse with design of stars. that man really are intrigue with stars. jeonghan hyung gave me bunch of couple keychains which i found unnecessary but since it was from him, i dont have a choice.

seungkwan gave me list of menus in starbucks so that i wont be like the first time ordering starbucks there. i poke him using that menu and he laughed, but ended up giving me so much love. seokmin gave me music sheets and ballpen with our surnames there. we are both "lee" so its easy to engrave that words on the pen.

but overall of that, i appreciate them for letting me achieve my dreams by my own. they never missed to tell me how much they are proud of me having as one of their family. i would always left tear up hearing those from them, mostly from jeonghan hyung who stands with us no matter what and treat us like his sons.

and if you're asking about me and soonyoung? well, we're kinda fine. as what im seeing. he was busy, of course, he missed a lot of discussions during his rehearsals for the global dance competition so he needs to catch up, both of them with hoseok. they are also partnered in their thesis so it must be hard for the both of them. . but overall that, soonyoung doesnt know that im leaving.

i never told him, i never informed him. i dont want to add up on his plate. he was really busy with his studies. but i promise to myself that ill tell him and let him explain his side to meㅡour breakup. i know it has something to do with lina which was now dropped out of our university.

i was staring at the prof jadedly. i tried so hard to focused myself on what she was saying but my mind always flew to the other dimensions where i imagine soonyoung and me being ourselves in our own world. geez. i havent seeing him for a day now due to his studies, but i understand. he keeps updating me through messages. we never deleted each others contact so yeah. .

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