ABY :: 60

391 20 11


days had passed and it felt so weird. . incomplete. . and its not the same feeling anymore while staying here at busan for summer. it wasnt like the way i used to. but i neededㅡno. i must condemn and i must accept that we. . we were never be the same family again. it will never be now.

my dad started to move out after the confrontation happened last last day, soonyoung and i insisted to help but he said that its fine, even my mom wanted to help but he keeps pushing us away. well i know for a fact that he can't. . or i mean he dont want me to see how they were now separating. im my dad's one and only son. and he respects and values me to the most.

and i know how much it pains him, me seeing with my own eyes how they had split up.

while my mom decided to stay here with the rest of the helpers. and me and soonyoung are staying here while we are here. dad promised to visit me when he has free time, and he'll still be owning me as his son. my mom still let my father do the responsibilites and rights for me. they just divorced, but im still their son.

it was devastating to see that my father is moving out somewhere far from here. cutting the connections between him and my mom, and not be as the same anymore. but i need to accept the fact that they are not really happy to be with each other. soonyoung had explain those deeper to me last night, and now, i understand a bit why they ended up like this.

all i can do was to respect their decision. if they are happy for what they've done, well i should be happy too, for the both of them.

im here at kitchen preparing some meals. my mom assigned me to cook for our lunch even though she knows im not that good in cooking. . i was just depending on soonyoung's and online foods. arg. i dont know where this thing could lead but i keep following what the internet had told me to do.

i mixed all the ingredients in the pot, then i proud a generous amount of water there along with the other ingredients. the internet said, after five minutes of boiling the water, i should add up one teaspoon of fish sauce. good thing that everything that i need are here at the kitchen. when five minutes strike, i poured teaspoon of fish sauce as the internet had said, then the powdered mix for the last and finishing touches. i sealed the pot using the cylindrical stainless on the top.

i waited those to boil for ten minutes. i placed all the things that i used in the sink and wash my hands after. i leaned my back against the cream bare tiles while waiting for the meal to boil. my forehread creased seeing my mom entered the kitchen with a smile on her face.

no matter how much she tried to plaster a smile in front of me, i know how she was breaking in the inside. she loves father so much to death, as what she had always told me. she walked towards me then she take a peak on the meal im waiting to boil. the smile on her face didnt fade. . even though its fake.

"stop smiling. . its fake." i said making her head jerked towards me. she placed back the cylindrical stainless on the top of the pot and looked at me. "you're not happy." i added staring at her eyes.

eyes dont lie.

she shook her head. "im happy, of course."

"you are not."

she stood in front of me, then there i saw how her smile faded. "i will always be happy. happy for him to finally deserve the happiness he really wanted."

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