Tarkin x Vader

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Where my life has gone for me to think of this... If you want more of this ship or have any suggestions, you can always request them!

"The Death Star is complete and ready for activation," Tarkin said to Vader and some other officers.

"Good. We shall rule the galaxy together," Vader replied. He blushed under his mask. He likes Padme, but she did nothing for him. She was... disposable. Vader sighed. Tarkin did a lot for Vader. That is why he is loved by him.

"Sir, what will happen if one of the rebels finds out?" An officer asks.

"We exterminate them, of course. What we always do," the obedience of the officers reminds him of Skywalker's closest clones.

"If they get on here, they are nearly dead, sir. We can kill them right now, actually," Tarkin stated.

"Really? Then why aren't we doing it, love?" Vader cooed. Tarkin looked at Vader like he had three heads.


Vader walked over to Tarkin. "I said, why aren't we exterminating those rebels? Come one, love, you know that these Separatists can be defeated easily with our new weapon."

Tarkin looked at him. "Just like the good times with the Republic, Skywalker."

"Skywalker was weak. So, I killed him. And his past relationships. I killed his wife. His padawan. His troops. And soon his master."

The other officers left, knowing that they would be next if they said anything. Tarkin blushed, and turned. "You, sir, are one of the strangest beings K have ever met."

"What do you mean, love?"

"You are so... similar, to Skywalker. It's like the days of the Citadel and Republic."

"I had hated you then. Now I love you."

"I do too."

Vader hugged him. Tarkin returned the hug.

"I finally feel free. The Jedi hated attachments, Tarkin. And Kenobi and Tano agreed with that? They both had their own affairs? I don't get it. They ruined my full potential. They betrayed me. I am glad someone is on my side."

"Don't worry, I am always here for you, love."

Vader smiled, and Tarkin kissed his mask. They continued hugging, and then they went back to business. They had a rebel alliance to destroy.

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