Chapter 2 | Saint

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Geralt POV

Geralt lifted an eyebrow slightly at the man as he recognized him, then as the stranger from the supermarket hit his foot against the bar and cursed. He lowered the eyebrow, not that it would have been particularly noticeable if it had remained raised. His expressions had become more stony, even around Ciri, in the months since Jaskier's death. Not that he hadn't always been grim, it was just more noticeable now.

"Just water," Geralt said calmly. He didn't answer the stranger's second question. Geralt was here to observe. Although, getting to know this man might- he was going to end up hurting himself. It had been drilled into him time and time again to be smart and not be self-destructive. He stuck by that.

Those blues eyes, though...

The man had mentioned he had brothers. With at least one, no one knew what had happened to him. A sudden flare of hope burst up in Geralt's chest, and he smothered it. He was getting ahead of himself. What were the odds? Terrible. What was he doing? Getting his hopes up. A mistake, and a simple one. Not one he was going to make.

He didn't get comfortable on his stool. He'd be getting up as soon as he had what he'd ordered. He'd only sat because he'd expected a bit of a wait.

Julian POV

Jaskier couldn't help but stare into the man's eyes for a moment as he allows him to respond to Jaskiers question. He gave a light chuckle and nodded, moving away from the counter and to the freshwater. He took out a glass from the cabinet and filled it with the water before returning to the man and sliding the glass over to him on the bar top.

"I love you just... Sit in a corner and brood. Tell me, what do I at least refer to you as?" he said with a smile threatening to break out. God's he wanted to grip the man tight and kiss him. Should he say it? He had to eventually. Geralt couldn't hide forever from Jaskier and Jaskier well, Geralt was smart and would find out eventually. He did go by Irys here after all.

His heartbeat fastened slightly. Would Geralt even remember? Would he even want Jaskier back in his life in any way? He probably wasn't going to stay for long anyway, Geralt job made him go where ever he pleased.

Jaskier watched Geralt carefully, staring into his eyes for a moment. Would Ciri be okay? Would Jaskier be okay going through heartbreak all over again? Would Geralt just walk away? The questions were starting to rile up in his head. Nonstop, forever whizzing around. His breathing fastening in the slightest amount.

Geralt POV

"Rivia," he said after a moment. It was a family name, chosen for him by Vesemir after he took Geralt in. Better not to give his first or his full name here. Not to a stranger. Clients were different. All bets were off with them. Otherwise, Geralt was closed off and secretive.

He took the water in hand and stood, sliding some cash across the counter. "Take the tip," he muttered. "I know the water's free." He turned away and began making his way back through the tables, making for a small, open one towards the corner of the room. It was on the quieter side, most people gathered further towards the middle or far side of the room.

He took a seat, sitting so that he was in shadow and could observe without being observed. He sensed that the stranger from the supermarket who was behind the bar would be watching him anyway. Geralt resigned himself to that but didn't look in that direction. Instead, he looked out over the other patrons, thinking.

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