Chapter 38 | Ticking

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Geralt POV

Geralt have a small shrug, knowing Jaskier could feel it. He stared down at the table, not really seeing the wood in front of him. "Just.. waiting." He paused. When he continued, it was softer. "Her scent's everywhere in here, Jask." He didn't know how much of it the man would be able to smell, but to Geralt, it was still plenty strong. He usually either felt angry or helpless in the times when memories of her and their relationship surfaced again. Today was one of the more helpless days.

He let Jaskier nuzzle the back of his neck, because there wasn't much else he could do. The man's touch was anchoring, in a way.

He slowly lifted his head, then turned it. The angle was a bit awkward, and it was far from pleasant on his neck. He placed a gentle kiss on Jaskier's lips, then withdrew a little ways, turning his head back to facing down at the table again.

It was a bit cold in the apartment. Geralt didn't mind. Roach came over and whined softly, nosing at his shins before walking around him and Jaskier, whining still. As if she could sense some of his distress. Which perhaps she could. Geralt wouldn't know. Roach seemed more intelligent than most. That night be a part of her breed, though. He had specifically wanted a smart dog.

Julian POV

Jaskier made a small hum in acknowledgment of being spoken back to. He stayed where he was, not really bothering to move. He didn't have any weight on Geralt, more so because if he did then his chest would ache like one hell of a bitch. Instead, he settled with relaxing his head onto Geralt's shoulder where he could keep nosing at the man's neck softly. He didn't kiss, lick or bite it, he didn't need to. However, he did occasionally give it a small nuzzle with his cold nose, it wasn't freezing. Just noticeably different from the temperature of Geralt's warm neck. He was just glad Geralt decided to open up to him. He knew he was talking about Yennefer as Renfri was not in Posada when it all went down. He wasn't expecting much else, just to sit in silence and think but Geralt moved and kissed him. That- that was surprising. But he kissed back none the less. He knew he tasted of lemon drops but with is being so short and mouths closed, he didn't expect Geralt to taste it.

He was going to ask instantly but, maybe a few moments of silence would not kill. Mainly for Geralt's sake. He looked down, noticing Roach's little noises and moved one hand away from Geralt, keeping his head where it was and softly gave her a pat. "It's okay girl." He spoke extra quiet, knowing he was in Geralt's ear and did not want to deafen the poor man. He instead, He waited a few more moments, giving a small kiss to Geralt shoulder before asking.

"What happened before, in the car? Was it because of the topic of Renfri? Did something remind you of Yen then as well?" He asked softly. If it was, he did not really want to bring it up again but he had to know so that he knew if he could or could not mention it to Geralt again. He also just wanted to make sure his love was okay. A lot of things had happened between them in the past few days and a lot was left to happen over the next week between them and then a lot for Jaskier in the next few years, and probably the same for Geralt. Ciri explained how he needed to go to headquarters for some bits and bobs. Maybe he was nervous about going back there.

Geralt POV

Geralt stared down at the table, eyes now tracing out the lines of the grain. The apartment was his, at least. Had been for years before he met Yennefer. But now it had stopped carrying those memories so clearly, and carried those of her. Of her cold warmth, and her anger mixed with ambition. That had been what fueled her, in his eyes. Her anger and desire to be above the rest of them. He wondered if she'd tell him, should she ever succeed.

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