Chapter 17 | Injured

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Geralt POV

He almost answered, almost let the quiet 'yes' escape his throat. He didn't, though. Jaskier beat him to it, answering his own question. He watched in silence as the man adjusted to face him.

Geralt grit his teeth. Jaskier had apologized in advance for anything he might say. This was likely what he had been trying to warn Geralt of. So the bodyguard grit his teeth and waited it out. Jaskier's anger would eventually cool. It the man told him to fuck off before then, then Geralt would gladly go. Or he might just leave of his own accord. Either way, he'd be gone and out of this conversation.

But for now, he was going to stick to keeping his answers calm and factual, giving Jaskier what he wanted to know. He flinched at the mention of Renfri's name being tossed out so casually. "No," he said, as calmly as he could. Renfri had had her problems, but she'd become almost like a sister to him. A friend, certainly. One summer and then two months on the run did that to people.

"Can I ask you something?" He hesitated. "Ah, fuck it. Why is there blood on your hands? What did you do?"

Julian POV

Jaskier sat there and took a moment to just stare at Geralt. Why did he hand blood on his hands? Oh, because every person he patched up didn't damn live. Because there was hundreds of peoples bodies in the yard he had to Bury and every time he closed his eyes before he met Geralt, that was all that would think about, the nightmares they should hurt and haunt at you. Jaskier growled not quite liking the question as he sat up off of the bed and shifted so he could completely collapse with any money kind of anything. He drew his legs in, and was silently thankful for the fact that they have not been damaged. There was slight blood stains on them which made the material look black. Over time, they must run into someone who had got some handy.

"I have Renfris blood on my hands." was all he said as he ripped his gaze from Geralt and focused outside before leaning forwards and hissing slightly as he did so, the pull on the stitches making him hiss loudly. He turned the blinds so that the room was still light but there was far less of it. It was too bright, he knew that but he still looked out the window and basically saw white because of his head hurting. It did hurt, it hurt more than it had in a very long time. Worse than ever but he was numb. He felt so numb that he did not care. He really didn't.

"Geralt, I have buried tens and if not then hundreds of bodies. I have held people as they fucking gleed to death out of their vaginas from giving birth. I've had to raise kids as if they were my own but in a way where it was sex and slavery. And now." he jaw clenched as he spoke, the growl coming back into his voice. " And now now I have to go back and do it all fucking over again because the Corps fucked up on Renfri. I'm not some fucking side whore who's life you can go ahead and fuck up. Fucking hell I'm starting to think Renfri got the easy way out." he growled, the anger taking control of his words. Fuck he hated this. He hated that none of these words were any words*

That he meant, nor were the words he would ever say. Fuck he just wanted Geralt to get pissed at him and storm out. He could feel the anger from the episode start to fade away. None of his anger was at Geralt, but when he switches he can't help what comes out. It isn't him. It isn't him. But it is a part of him that he hates.

Jaskier's eyebrows shot up as he turned his head and looked to Geralt, sarcasm all of his face and false sour amusement. His lips pressed harshly together. Don't say it. Don't say it. Don't. Say. It. He was out of control, Jaskier was there yes but it felt as if he was watching from the background.

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