Chapter 7 |Cheek

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Geralt POV

Geralt clenched his jaw, knowing Jaskier would feel it under the hand on his cheek, but not stopping himself. No, no Jaskier could not and should not being feeling that way. If he was smart, he'd get the hell away from Geralt then get out of town. Geralt didn't care why Jaskier claimed to feel that way, or if it was romantic, platonic, friendly, any of them. It just mattered that he did, and that that was a problem.

Geralt should have kept his distance. Should have dealt with the confusion and hurt that might have come with it. They wouldn't be here. They might have had longer than four days on the job if he had actually done what he was supposed to. If he had followed the rules Witcher Corps had set down for its bodyguards.

"Jaskier, musisz wyjść. Kiedy Ciri i ja wyszliśmy, wypierdalajmy z tego miasta. Biegać. Nie obchodzi mnie gdzie, ale nigdy nie wracaj tu ani do Posady." It would be safest, he told himself. It would help Jaskier survive.

Jaskier, you need to leave. Once Ciri and I have left, get the fuck out of this town. Run. I don't care where, but never go back to Posada.

Gods, he was going to get punished, if not disposed of, for this. The Corps couldn't fire him. He knew too much for that. But they could make his life hell.

Julian POV

Jaskier frowned as he felt the clench of Geralt's jaw under his hand, his thumb instantly moving against it in a gentle caress to try to smooth it out. That was unusual. Geralt usually would try to hide something like that. If only he could see his damn face. What was going on with him?

As soon as the words left Geralt's lips Jaskier frowned even more, confusion lacing all of his unseen features. What in hell's name was the man on about? Why did Jaskier need to leave town? Is it because they had been seen together here? Or they had both been in the area and Geral has been associated with Geralt? Knowing Geralt, it was just easier to ask the man instead of assume.

"Kochanie ... o czym ty mówisz? Dlaczego to mówisz? i dlaczego mówisz to o wszystkich ludziach?" he asked, his throat tightened, he had a desperate feeling in his gut. No, he was just thinking of the worst. Geralt was Geralt. He trusted him, he was someone he cared for.

"Darling.. What are you going on about? Why are you saying this? and why are you saying this of all people?"

This made no sense. Jaskiers heart rate increased as he gritted his own teeth together and swallowed. No, he was not going to think Geralt had betrayed him. He couldn't. Especially in the headspace he was in currently. It would hurt too much and he would.. He doesn't know what he would do.

Geralt POV

Geralt's eyes searched Jaskier's, wishing he could see better. But the light was almost gone, and the snow was beginning to stick to the ground and remain.

"Jaskier. Musisz mi zaufać. Nie mogę ci powiedzieć nic więcej."

Jaskier, you have to trust me. I can't tell you more.

Then he sighed, quietly and barely at all. The man wasn't going to listen to that. Geralt wouldn't listen to that. He didn't like having to keep people in the dark like tlike but at some point it night be keeping Jaskier alive. The less the man knew, the less he could say if something went wrong. Which it undoubtedly would.

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