Chapter 28 | Again

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Geralt POV

Geralt grunted his acknowledgment. Chances were Jaskier would overstep at some point. Chances were Geralt would as well. It was inevitable, and there was little point in getting stressed out about it now. He squeezed the hand of Jaskier's that was still under his.

He knew that when Jaskier started talking about a 'she,' that he meant Ciri. Frankly, he agreed with the man. Ciri was good at understanding and accepting people, but she would likely grow distant from Jaskier if she found out about certain things. Geralt was concerned that he himself was already doing that. He almost certainly was thought-wise, even if his actions were remaining about the same.

Geralt brought his free hand up to Jaskier's shoulder. The man was going to be going through a lot once he returned to London. Geralt half wanted to be there, to do what he could and learn what he could, but it was neither his place nor a possibility. The Corps would want him as far from the Pankratz family as they could get him while still keeping him under constant surveillance. Once Geralt returned to Vesemir's grasp, he'd be trapped there.

The other half of him was more than willing to stay behind. There were things he needed to do. People he needed to look for and look out for. He was going to lose Jaskier anyways, whether it was to the man losing himself or being killed. Geralt did, however, still have a chance at protecting Ciri, and Lambert if his brother was alive and reachable. He needed to stay.

Geralt didn't move to speak, just watched Jaskier. He would listen if the man spoke, but he himself didn't have anything to contribute. Roach had other ideas, and padded over to them, swiping around her jaw with her tongue.

Julian POV

Jaskier gave a soft smile towards Geralt, appreciative of the fact he gave some form of listening, even if it was just a hand on the shoulder. He let out another sigh and looked away from Geralt, thankfully Roach came over at the same time and he ended up looking at her, slipping his right hand off of the top of Geralt's and onto her head instead, giving her some small scratched.

He clenched his jaw slightly, gritting his teeth as a way to show he still had control of himself. Geralt didn't need this, neither did Ciri or Roach even. Instead, he gave Geralt a quick fake smile, pat the back of his hand twice, and instead went to stand up to leave. Where to? He had no idea. They were going to be stuck in a car in at least a couple of minutes for hours on end. 

Geralt didn't need to deal with any of this, hell it even slightly frustrated him to as why Geralt even still gave a shit. He was a person who had eaten other people, buried them, cleaned them up after getting basically raped. He was to inherit that business. He was filthy, disgusting. And he was to blame for Renfri's death and yet Geralt still wanted him around for a damn week. He didn't understand it and he was afraid to.

Geralt POV

Geralt removed his hands from Jaskier as the man stood up. The smile he was given looked too forced, too fake, to be natural. Geralt accepted it anyway. Jaskier seemed to be in need of space. Given the close proximity they would be in over the course of the next week, Geralt could provide that.

He got up himself, running a hand over Roach's back as he passed her. Her bowl was on the floor, and there was the pan he had made the eggs in to clean up. Then he would need to go defrost the car. Jaskier could have some solitude until then. So, Geralt walked over to where Roach had eaten. He picked up the bowl and moved it to the sink. The pan went into the sink next. There were sponges kept nearby, and he picked one up to use.

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