Chapter 41 | Ties

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Julian POV

Jaskiers eyes opened up slowly. He had woken up naturally so it was not all too bad. There was a little bit of uncomfortable pressure on his chest but he did not mind too much due to it being with Geralt.

He allowed him a few moments for his eyes to focus and adjust to waking up. He felt his jaw opened up, allowing himself to give a light silent yawn with a small puf fof air come out. He looked to where his head was resting as he smelt the air. Cinnamon and Geralt. It smelt like Geralt and it was the best smell ever. It was musky but still it was Geralt. 

It was hard to describe so he didn't focus too much on it. He looked over to the clock which rested by the side. 5:17am. He wasn't sure what time Geralt was getting up but school days are usually a leave at 7 so wake up at 6 kind of job. Knowing Geralt he would want to be up earlier so he shouldn't be too far off from waking up as well.

Jaskier gave out a small hum, wondering what he should do in the meanwhile. If he should get up or wait for Geralt to wake up. If he moved, he might wake Geralt up and it seemed like he was tired last night so he decided it would be best to stay where he was. He noticed their hands were still together and he couldn't help but smile. He was awake but he closed his eyes with no intention of sleeping. Just absorbing to moment. 

He stayed like that, enjoying the relaxation until the alarm would go off. Knowing Geralt, there's always a bloody alarm involved. If there wasn't then Ciri would have one and then he'd be able to hear it to wake them all up. He smiled to himself gently. Is that what it's like to have a family?

Geralt POV

Geralt awoke to the steadily rising and falling musical scales of his alarm, the notes cutting easily through his sleep and bringing him to consciousness. Geralt had hated the screeching alarms that had often accompanied the earlier years of training, and one of the first things he had done when he was sent away on his Path was to buy an alarm clock that actually made a pleasant noise.

He opened his eyes, still feigning sleep except for that. His breathing had barely changed, his body so used to walking to that series of notes that he hadn't even flinched, instead waking smoothly and rapidly.

There was a weight on him, a hand under his, and the scent of cinnamon in the air. He noticed those things first. Aside from the body sprawled atop and beside him, no one else was in the room. Not even Roach. The sun had yet to come up, and as such the room was in darkness.

Geralt took his hand off of Jaskier's and leaned over, pressing the snooze button on the alarm. He didn't usually, but that was all he could reach right now. Usually he was alone, or at least not under someone. He would have thought Jaskier would have gotten off of him by now, seeing as the man was awake. His eyes were closed, but he was smiling and his breathing was wrong for that of someone who wasn't awake.

"We've got half an hour before Ciri wakes," he said.

Julian POV

Jaskier hummed as he looked up to Geralt. He changed his head position so it was no longer his cheek on him but instead his chin as he looked up to Geralt with blue eyes. He couldn't see very well, mainly for the fact that the sun started rising at around 7:15 in proper winter so for now it was around 6:30 that it raised up properly.

Jaksier gave a grin, giggling slightly at Geralt. He had not realised his estimations on times would be so accurate and secretly he had to admit, he was proud of it.

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