Chapter 23 | Haircut

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Geralt POV

Geralt looked back to Jaskier, noticing how red the man's face was. He shrugged in answer to all of the questions. He couldn't exactly change what had just happened, so even if he were to regret it, there was nothing he could do.

"She knows I'm bi," he explained, once Jaskier had slowed and let him get a word in. "And she likes you. Other than your impending death, I don't see a problem here." He said it all straight-faced.

He had been out quietly most of the last several years. He hadn't had a reason to let people know he was bisexual before then. He had stuck with women, because that was his preference. Yennefer had known, but she had also told him day one of their relationship that she was into women as well as men, and if he had a problem with that he could fuck off. Rather like Jaskier had, now that Geralt thought about it.

Obviously, he hadn't fucked off. But he had come out to her as well, and they had supported each other. Not being straight didn't mean it was mandatory to be in a gay relationship. Yennefer had been loud when he had been brooding, but they had complimented each other well. Gods, he missed her.

He also shouldn't be thinking about his ex-girlfriend right now.

Geralt brought one hand up to Jaskier's face, stroking his thumb across the man's cheekbone before leaning in and kissing him gently again. "Haircut?"

Ciri POV

Ciri, for her part, had retreated straight to her room, grinning like mad. Thank god whatever tension was between her dad and Jaskier was resolved for now. Admittedly, she could have thought of better ways to stumble upon that fact than walking in on her dad making out with their guest in a shared bathroom, but alas.

She collapsed onto her bed, still laughing to herself some. Oh they were cute. They were really, truly cute, and she supported them both. So what if they were both men? She supported them either way. Besides, it was Geralt's ass, not hers.

She pulled out her phone, praying that the walls were well insulated. Her room shared a wall with the bathroom, though the doors were further apart. Ciri sent off a text to Yennefer.

Lion Cub


Remember the cute bartender dad kept looking at? yeah they're a thing now :p

She and Yennefer had remained in close contact, despite the literal witch and Ciri's dad no longer being together. Yen's response came quickly.

Not-Mom (jkjk ily) <3<3


I fucking knew it

Julian POV

Jaskier looked up to him, the worry dimming in his eyes slowly and dripping off of his face, instead of being replaced by a sense of calmness overhearing that she liked him. She did? A smile crept up onto his face He absolutely adored Ciri, nowhere near as much as her father adored her, but he hoped that he would learn to love her more and more with every day of the next week that he'd be spending with hem. He knows he will never love Ciri as much as Geralt does, it's easy to see that anyone could. Ciri was Geralt's daughter and Geralt loved her with all he has.

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