Chapter 31 | Daughter

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Julian POV

Jaskier dreams were peaceful this time, they were most of the time at the start but then it usually morphed into his father's place or some form of a distressing dream. This time he was back at the beach, the little beach house of Geralt and his, Ciri and Roach splashing in the water not too far away. The sky was painted orange, it was sunrise this time instead of sunset. They had bare feet, ends of their pants rolled up a couple of times as they stood in the water. It was hot, the summer sun pouring down on them to keep their skin warm. Jaskier turned to Geralt, a grin on his lips and Geralt his usual soft smile that to others would just look like a resting face. He stared at Geralt for what felt like an eternity before Geralt pulled him closer, softly by just a tug of their hands. Instead, Geralt wrapped an arm around Jaskier's waist and Jaskier had a hand over Geralt's heartbeat, now facing each other. They said nothing, understanding each other without having to even speak. Jaskier gently trailed his hand over Geralt's heart and Geralt just smiled at him, caressing his waist with his thumb.

Jaskier felt himself being pulled away from the scene, a small groan escaping his lips as he opened his eyes tiredly, the brightness of the world blinding him. Damn, the attack or the night, or well, all of it, must've taken more out of him than he realized. He lifted his head off of the headrest as his eyes adjusted to the burning light through blinks, a hand on his shoulder had woken him up, he looked to Geralt, closing his eyes rather harshly and reopened them as if he was making sure Geralt was actually there.

"Hello," He said sleepily, voice deepened slightly from the pleasant deep sleep that he was in earlier on. He looked down at their hands and smile, licking his lips as he felt they were slightly dry. He sat up properly, carelessly, and groaned again at the rubbing of the seatbelt on his chest. He moved the hand that wasn't holding Geralt's to his buckle and undid the seatbelt and then sat up again, this time a lot more successfully and without being painful.

He made a small 'hmm' at Geralt and looked at him, a little like a lost puppy. He leaned forwards and gave Geralt's neck a small nuzzle as a good morning gesture and made a whine, not really wanting to move but he knew that he had to. He rolled his head so it was on Geralt's shoulder instead and peeked up at him from where he was, able to see him better from not being tucked away anymore.

Geralt POV

Geralt wasn't thrilled with waking up Jaskier, but they had arrived at their next stop. Hopefully the next one would be Posada. Though, traffic would likely be picking up once rush hour hit. They'd still be on the road by then, even with no delays. Geralt didn't yet know how late their drive would go into the night. He'd like to, but he would just have to see once they got there.

"Hm," Geralt said in greeting. He watched, not offering to help with his free hand, the one that wasn't still holding Jaskier's. Honestly, he was a bit surprised their fingers were still entwined with each other. Geralt had kept meaning to reclaim his hand at some point, and then just never had. And now Jaskier was awake.

The man was acting a bit like Roach, with his whines and his big eyes. Eyes that were easy to get lost in, if you weren't careful. Geralt almost smirked. He certainly did when he lowered his own head enough to meet Jaskier's lips with his own. The angle wasn't great, but it wasn't supposed to be anything deep. Geralt withdrew after a few seconds, though he didn't go far. If Jaskier wanted to persuade him, he could, and easily. They weren't going to be making out in the car, and certainly not in a public parking lot and in front of Geralt's daughter. But a kiss or two would be fine.

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