Chapter 44 | Scowls

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Geralt POV

Geralt frowned at the man, thinking. He probably did have questions, in fact he knew he did. He just couldn't recall what they were right now. So instead he grunted as his response, a neutral response, and took off the brake. Geralt pulled away from the curb, back onto the street. They could head back to the apartment now, then he should get on his way to drive to Headquarters. Which was a question he could ask, he supposed.

"I need to drop into Headquarters," Geralt replied as he drove. Ideally, Jaskier could wait in the car. Would probably be safer, and help reduce the man's temptations than if he was back in the apartment. Geralt shouldn't be more than twenty or thirty minutes, if that. Assuming there were no delays, he could be out in fifteen.

He needed to return to the apartment first, however, and change into something the Corps had assigned him. If he was showing up at Headquarters, he was going to have to look the part. He disliked it, but it wouldn't be for long. Once he had the files and such he needed, and any potential contracts that might be waiting for him, he could leave.

"And if you have questions, ask them. I might not answer, but ask." He wanted to know what was going on inside the man's head. Jaskier was difficult to read at times, and Geralt couldn't say that he loved that fact. He preferred to know what the people around him were thinking. Judging how they were feeling was easier. Body language was easier, and hostility was easy enough to gauge. Exact thoughts were nigh impossible.

Julian POV

Jaskier gave a small nod at the information. He didn't really want to go there or be around it really. It just, Vesemir and the thought of him brung back the memories of the Claw and such on his chest and reminded him of what he was going back to. "Could I um, stay at the apartment if we are going there first?" He asked as he looked to Geralt, hands fidging with each other nervously as he swallowed. He was hopeful, damn hopefully hat he could. At least that means he could try to stitch himself up. At least his right arm he could try to seeming he was left-handed. He didn't want to be a pain to Geralt any more than he had to be.

"And, I know I probably won't get much of an answer through a pointless question I already know the answer to so let me inform you. I was good friends with Queen Calanthe and knew her daughter well. I used to sing in her court, tell my father I was invited to dance and she kept it secret, threatened to cut off anyone head who uttered that it may be spoken outside of the castle walls. My father would have killed me, slowly, painfully, and literally. I'd know the look in her eyes throughout all of her family, today just confirmed it. Geralt, when I say I will keep her safe until I die, through torture and pleasantries and anything that this world could give me, I promise you I will keep her safe. Calanthe kept me safe and let me be free for if only a night every year. But it is something I will forever be in her debt for." He said softly as he placed a hand on Geralt's lap, straight and honest facial expression present. 

Though not all facial expressions could be trusted but the determination in his eyes was sure to be trusted at least a little. He would not tell Ciri he knew who she was. Not unless Geralt wanted him to.

Geralt POV

Geralt grunted again, signalling his agreement. He would prefer to keep Jaskier with him, but if the man wanted to stay behind he was free to. They were going to the apartment first anyways. It was no hardship to drop Jaskier off there. Geralt was uneasy about it, but he had other things to do than to keep an eye on the man every waking second.

A pointless question. Jaskier was smart, he'd put things together. Geralt hadn't doubted it, this was just confirming his suspicions about Jaskier knowing who Ciri was.

Geralt gave Jaskier a sideways look. He wanted to trust the man. But that didn't mean that he could. People changed. Neither of them knew exactly what was going to be happening in London. Neither of them knew how they would be changing.

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