Chapter 16 | Family

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Julian POV

Jaskier practically melted at the feeling of Geralts throat vibrating underneath his mouth.God's this man was going to be the absolute end of him. He could feel his thighs underneath his own thighs, their fronts were pressed together maybe a little bit too much but neither of them had complained so he assumed it was okay. It just made him want to devour him up more. Jaskier raised a eyebrow at Geralt as he smirked a little bit.

"who dug their fingers into who's hips? I believe I am the winner here than you very much. Unless you're willing to prove otherwise." he said with a smirk and a raised eyebrow. His heart rate increased as he went ahead and challenged the man verbally. It thumping slightly harder with Jaskiers cheeks flushing slightly but he smirked, moving his hand from his hair to brush down and over the mark. Yeah that was going to last a few days at the least. 

He smirked even wiser, proud of his accomplishment as he flicked his eyes from it and up to Geralts eyes, leaning forwards and softly kissing his lips before pulling back, moving his hips slightly to purposely grind against him, one long slow grind before stopping as he tilted his chin up slightly. To look prideful and both inviting him to attack "Prove me wrong?" he asked, a little too innocently.

Geralt POV

Geralt snorted, both at Jaskier's words and eyebrows. To prove a point, he relaxed his fingers fully from their grip on Jaskier's hips. He then found himself sliding then around the man's waist, pulling him a smidge closer.

Jaskier was looking far too proud of himself for Geralt's liking. He met Jaskier's eyes when the man's finally left the mark on Geralt's neck. And of course, the two pieces of clothing Geralt had that would cover said mark, he had given to Jaskier. They were cut up and bloodied now, his windbreaker and sweatshirt. Dammit. Yen had been fond of lovebites as well, however. He had had to quickly learn how to hide them, because she enjoyed leaving then in unconventional places when she could. Or anywhere it could be seen while he was at work, really.

Jaskier's lips on his were pleasant, gentle. Geralt gingerly returned the kiss, only to feel Jaskier move his hips against him again in one long, slow movement. Geralt huffed lightly. The man still looked too prideful, and Geralt wasn't buying his innocence.

"Hm," he replied, but it was an acceptance of the challenge. Geralt leaned forwards enough to seal Jaskier's lips with his own again, letting his eyes shut closed.

Julian POV

Jaskier hummed as he went ahead and returned the kiss that Geralt gave him, humming as he leaned in, allowing his eyes to close as he let out a humm against Geralts lips, allowing the vibrations to go against both of their lips.

He hummed again, melting into Geralts kiss as he kissed him back with passion, still determined to prove that he was the one in charge here and more trained than Geralt in this area. Which he had no idea if he was or wasn't. Instead he decided to grind his hips against Geralt again, allowing it to he harder and a tad but faster but still slow enough to savoir the feeling of.. of him doing platonic stuff.

Jaskiers face flushed slightly, heart feeling as if it was going to pound out of his chest, like it did every time that Geralt and him touched hips, and every time that Geralt started the kiss. Although they'd never opened their mouths before. Jaskier smirked, remembering them on the couch earlier on and moved his hand that was not over Geralts hear, to Geralts chin and lightly tugged at his chin with his thumb. If he didn't open up then that would mean Jaskier could still get his lip in a decent chunk and bite into it to prove who was better.

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