Chapter 13 | Blood

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Geralt POV

Geralt lifted one leg. He had a gun strapped to the side of that boot, and he drew it. He had a knife tucked into the other, should he need it. He'd probably give it to Julian, once they got inside and reached the man. If they reached the man.

Geralt lowered his foot and looked to Lambert, nodding once. He held his gun in both hands, left pointer finger on the trigger. He had been taught how to shoot and disable, versus kill. They'd be wanting Julian's father alive. Vesemir would be the harder fight. They might have the element of surprise on their side, but the older member of Witcher Corps would recover quickly and had been the one who taught Lambert and Geralt most of what they knew from training. He'd know how they'd strike and who they'd aim for.

Back in the house, Ciri was sitting on the couch, boredly swinging her feet. Her phone was resting on her leg, the screen off and facing down. Data was sitting next to her, his parents bustling around the kitchen. She was waiting for a text from her dad. He and the other man, Lambert she thought he was called, had been gone for easily twenty minutes. She had checked, but she couldn't see then out the back window anymore. Geralt didn't usually tell her when he was going into dangerous situations, but it only ever made her more worried.

Julian POV

Jaskier stared at his father with a snarl and spat a mixture of blood and saliva towards his father, it landing on his black jean pants. He stated up at his father, a growl in the back of his throat.

"Fuck you." Jaskier spat to his father with a growl. Jaskier was over this shit, he didn't care about dying at this point in time. He just wanted it to be over and done with. "I'm tired of being your little bitch running away from you. Just fucking end it." he growled.

Lambert POV

Lambert gave a nod to Geralt before he quickly smacked open the door to the shead, the sound of a gunshot heard just in time, it ringing out as the voices were heard inside.

" Right, it's done. Let's bail before anyone comes here." a deep voice with a English accent echoed out.

Jaskiers father walked towards the other door, turning the handle to the door behind where Jaskier was before he turned sharply hearing the door Lambert had opened up." Who the fuck is there!?" the english voice rang out as Jaskier sat on the chair, gasping from the pain on the right top side of his chest. Feeling himself start to become dizzy.

Geralt POV

Geralt was beside Lambert the moment the doors slid open, already sliding into the space and along the wall. He got the wall to his back, standing against the door. His gun was still raised. He took in where his mentor was standing, and trained his gun on the older man. In his peripheral vision, he could make out blood and a man strapped to a chair. The man wasn't moving. That wasn't Geralt's concern.

Vesemir POV

Vesemir took in the sight of two of his former pupils entering the shed, guns raised. One of them trained his on Vesemir. He narrowed his eyes in disgust, then relaxed the expression into something more akin to kindness. Geralt. He should have known. The man had held promise and potential, but he had thrown it all away for a chance at a family. A family that was going to end up shattered, if Vesemir had anything to do with it. It hadn't entirely been him behind Ciri's kidnapping, but it would be next time. Geralt needed to learn the price he would pay for disobedience. Vesemir could think of worse things than death.

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