Chapter 12 | Becoming

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Julian POV

Lambert raised a eyebrow as he stated out at the man who was outside with a cigarette. "Hope he's good in bed. I'll just have to find out for myself." he said with a wicked smirk coming onto his face. He turned his attention back to Geralt and he frowned deeply, his long scar moving along with the movement.

"Cirilla had gone missing? How the fuck did that happen? I'm here to go back to Kaer Morhen. I'm going back early for the winter, have some shit Vesemir wants me to get done." he explained as he stated back into Geralts eyes, burning back into them. There was a twinkle in Lambert eye. He was lying. Only those who were close enough. Such as Geralt. Would have noticed, anyone else would not have and easily would have believed him a hundred percent.

"I take it you were about to leave for searching her if Irys hovering out there is anything to do with it?" he said as he raised a eyebrow at Geralt. That confirmed it. Irys was Julian. The one he had to take and give to Vesemir. His intentions with them, he didn't know. He was taught alongside of Geralt that no matter what you don't question your orders, expecially not from Vesemir.

Jaskier was getting a little impatient outside. If they were going to get there before everyone else then they had to go now or within the next few minutes. Else when they arrived everyone would be there. Plus animal tracks would rid of any of Ciris tracks. The snow would have done that already but he'd rather it not be any harder than it already was to find her. If she was lost, it wouldn't take too long. But if she was taken, they'd need all the clues they could get. They needed to be prepared for everything.

Geralt POV

"Hm," Geralt said, ignoring the utterly irrational stab of jealousy he felt at Lambert's words. He didn't care how good Jaskier might be in bed. Geralt was going to hurt him enough that finding out firsthand seemed unlikely. Not that he wanted to find out. Yennefer was still too raw, that wound still too open. He was pretty sure she had hooked up with Triss since they'd broken up. He didn't much care. She was free to do as she pleased.

He caught onto the twinkle in his brother's eye as the man spoke. Geralt lowered his voice again, soft enough that Lambert, and only Lambert could hear. "He's Pankratz. I'm to keep tabs on him until reinforcements arrived. Are you..? He trailed off, the remainder of the question obvious: were you sent to aid me? He was going to need to send his report in early, if Lambert had in fact been sent. If not, he'd be notifying Headquarters anyways. Gods, Irys was going to be pissed. And hurt. And betrayed. Geralt didn't expect to see the man again for a long time, if ever.

He grunted at his normal volume and jerked business towards the door. He raised an eyebrow, a silent offer for Lambert to accompany him. Geralt needed to leave for Ciri, and soon. Already, more people were moving around and getting ready to go.

Not waiting for his brother to respond, Geralt pushed off the counter and made for the door. He walked outside to Irys, nodding at the man.

Lambert POV

Lamberts eyebrow Rose as Geralt spoke quiet enough so only the two of them could hear. A hundred percent confirmed then. Lambert sighed. It was a shame, the guy looked like a nice dinner to eat up to be honest. What he was surprised at was Geralts reaction when Lambert said he would want to bed the man. He brushed it off, Geralt was probably just worried on Ciri, nothing more.

Lambert made a grunt, following after Geralt as he moved. He hadn't been leaning on anything, instead he stood the whole time before he was following Geralt.

Julian POV

Jaskiers eyes moved towards the door as he puffed out the last of his cigarette, exhaling without turning not to shove smoke in the face of whomever it was. After, he turned his head towards the door and saw it was Geralt. The corner of his mouth twitched upwards slightly as Geralt gave him a nod and Jaskier tilted his head to the side to gesture the direction they were going in. He saw no reason to dilly dally around and not go there right away. What he was surprised at was the other man who came out behind Geralt and he raised a eyebrow. "one of your brothers?" Jaskier asked as he looked at Lamberts eyes which were the same as Geralts but less golden and more of a warm hue to them.

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