Chapter 43 | Drop-Off

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Geralt POV

Geralt watched Jaskier warily once he noticed that the man was tense. Fuck. He knew what had happened in Jaskier's past, and he had still gone ahead and made this, of all things. He had to have faith that Jaskier would tell him or give him a sign if he couldn't continue. But the man was eating, at least, and had opened his eyes again. Geralt took a bite of his own, not bothering to hide the fact that he was watching Jaskier.

Roach whined again once she realised she wasn't going to be able to charm anything out of Jaskier. She kept her head on his lap all the same, in hopes that perhaps he would drop something. It was fair game then, no matter what her person said. It wasn't like he was going to eat it, so why shouldn't she?

Jaskier still seemed nervous, Geralt noted, but he was acting more normally now. Good. Geralt realised bitterly that he didn't know what Jaskier's diet would look like once the man returned to London, but Geralt would be damned if he didn't at least try to get some actual food into Jaskier before the week was up.

He had been scowling down at his bowl. Geralt wasn't entirely sure for how long, but he relaxed the expression once he noticed it.

Ciri POV

Ciri was humming quietly to herself as she ate, looking over at Roach as the pooch was spoken to. If Jaskier was a bit off, she didn't notice currently.

Julian POV

Jaskier swallowed the next spoon fine, and then the next spoon and his mind was starting to think of it as tomatoes and only that. He smiled slightly. He was eating at a table, he had a spoon to eat with and he was eating Geralt's cooking, how could he not smile He didn't know if it was actually as good as he thought or not, but he knew that it being Geralt that made it, made it special. He looked over to Geralt and saw that he was scowling at his bowl. What had the poor bowl done? Was it not how it was supposed to taste? It tasted delicious to Jaskier, at least mainly because it was actual food but still.

He watched Geralt for a moment before seeing him relax his facial expression and took another spoonful as he watched Geralt. He looked down to roach on his lap and gave her a sympathetic look before giving her small pats under the table to make sure she knew that she was loved. Jaskier smiled as he dunked his spoon back into the bowl before he dropped it. It was accidental, his hand and arm cramping making him bite his inner lip slightly. He brushed it off, not bothering to try and look up at Geralt or Ciri to see if they noticed, he just carried on like normal.

His thoughts went back to London for a moment and he felt his jaw tense. He would put an end to everything if it was the last thing that he damn well did. No other being deserved to go through what he went through, and he would be sure of it all going down as well as all of the partnerships when the time was right. He would do it, or die trying. He didn't know when his expression had changed to one of Julian's instead of Jaskiers, determination amongst a straight face with no smile but he blinked a few times, coming back to the present and looked up to Geralt and Ciri giving a small smile. "It's good." he spoke with a small smile and gestured towards the bowl before he kept eating.

Roach huffed a little at Jaskier's pats, but accepted it. She still looked up at him with pleading eyes, though she knew she wasn't getting anything. If he didn't drop anything, then who knew? Anything could happen. This one might be a softie. Or he might actually listen to her person. Only one way to find out, she supposed.

Geralt POV

Geralt frowned, eyes snapping up as he heard Jaskier drop his spoon. Ciri looked over as well. She glanced at her dad, but when he neither looked at her not reacted with anything more than a frown, she returned to her meal.

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