Chapter 20 | Intertwined

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Julian POV

Jaskier looked up at the sound of Ciris voice and he smiled before letting out a loud laugh before speaking again. "Ciri, darling, don't tell me a bit of facial hair and growing up means you can no longer identify me! I'm offended, I truly am." he said with a light laugh before he looked to he with a softer smile before looking up to Geralt, thae same admiration in his eyes for Geralt, if not then it had strengthened, than the look he would give Geralt while they were making flower crowns and Jaskier got to braid his hair.

Jaskier's heart warmed as his gaze turned back to Ciri, his heart rate picking up slightly out of nervousness that he didn't really realize was there until now. Would Ciri welcome him? Would she be angry at him? He didn't know but he was interested to find out. Perhaps interested wasn't the correct word for it. If she was angry then he was going to be in for an earful that was for sure.

His gaze moved down to Roach as a grin came across his face, happily staring at the best girl in the whole wide world right next to Ciri, they were evenly the best. "Roach! My darling! Has he still not got you socks! Darling, honestly you must get her some socks. If not for the cold then because she might like being fashionable." he said with a light chuckle before looking at the beautiful girls before him with a small smile. This would be his family for a week. He could not be happier. He was now really starting to feel like a princess.

Ciri POV

Ciri frowned, narrowing her eyes in thought. But she thought she knew that voice, and those eyes were really familiar...

"Jaskier!" She cried triumphantly and in joy, perhaps a little too loudly. Geralt gave her a look and hissed her name.

"Sorry, sorry. Jaskier!" She said in a whisper-scream. Them she returned to her normal voice, chattering on in excitement. "I told you, Dad, I told you he wasn't dead! They never identified the body, not with fingerprints anyways! ANYways, Jaskier, how are you? Hi! It's only been threw months but gosh it's felt longer. Dad's missed you, y'know. He won't admit it but he has. I haven't seen him much, either, now that I think about it." She frowned at Jaskier.

"You better not be mad at him for the whole Renfri and Blaviken situation. My dad's a good guy, he just got put in a tough place is all. ALSO, I SAW YOU YESTERDAY. Could you really not have told me it was you? I missed you too, y'know. Am I talking too much? Sorry, I probably am." She fell silent, bending down to scratch behind Roach's ears. Geralt took advantage of that to step into the house, using his foot to shut the door. Ciri locked it behind him.

Geralt POV

Geralt crossed over to the couch and deposited Jaskier and the poncho. He himself remained standing. "Is Dara's family here?" He asked Ciri. She nodded, then curled up on the couch next to Jaskier, fasting her head on his head shoulder. The questions didn't stop, excitement, relief, and joy pouring out of her.

"Have you been here this whole time? I thought you didn't like the cold? I don't know, I might have made that up." She gasped. "Are you coming home with us? Dad, is he?"

Julian POV

Jaskier couldn't help but let out a light laugh as she yelled his name, Gert was right to give her a look, it was a bit too loud the way she yelled his name. If anyone else heard it could've been bad news. As he said, it wasn't just his father after him.

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