Chapter 14 | Jewels

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Jewels POV

Jewels slammed the door open to the bar, holding it open as the little bell that usually goes off fell to the floor form the impact, around 7 people came in, each carrying heavy equipment. Jewels looked at the man, as did everyone else. One man silently started to unpack a emergency defibrillator as Jewels walked over, she looked at Geralt for a moment shocked that he was sitting there with tears. Tears? Gods and they say that witcher are MOSNTERS, look at the poor boy. She lightly placed her hand on Geralts shoulder.

"Love, I know you love him but you have to let go. Let go so they can do their job. Come outside, let them work. You staring at them won't help anything. Come on." she light prompted to Geralt, a slow and calm voice that was laced with slight nervousness. All wearyness that she had of the man had gone. Anyone who held onto Irys's hand like that as he passed, if he were to die, was worthy of the highest respect and as much love as she could give to him. 

She looked down at him before letting her hand off of his shoulder and walked towards the back entrance door. She saw Mike throwing up, she thre him a sympathetic look as she knew how he was shaking, the paleness. She guided him past Jaskier and to outside properly. She yanked open the door, going outside anyways and waited there for him if he was to follow. If not then she could not stand to being in the same room as it was due to the fact he was like her own son. Mike sobbed loudly as he collapsed into a heap on the ground, Jewels comforting him with her arms wrapped around him and on the ground as well. 

"Shh.. Shh.. We just have to wait. We just have to wait." she spoke. Her eyes were already red and puffy, she had obviously done her crying as she ran in order to be there for her husband by the time that they got back. The medics started to search his body for metal, piercings, anything that was on Jaskiers body and placed them to the side. Getting ready to go ahead with what they needed to do to get the man back up and running. At least, they all prayed.

Geralt POV

Geralt flinched at the sound of the door being slammed open, but stayed where he was. It was only when Jewels placed a hand on his shoulder and told him he needed to move that he came fully back to the real world. Right. Jaskier. People were coming to help. He needed to let them do their job. He staggered backwards a step, grabbing his knife, then trailed aimlessly after Jewels. He wanted to stay, but knew it would do no good. Most people were, if not outright frightened, then at least wary of members from Witcher Corps. Geralt with his white hair and amber eyes would be doing no good by staying in the main room.

He followed Jewels and her husband outside, walking past them into the snow as they collapsed. Geralt shoved his knife back into his boot, not caring if anyone inside had thought it odd or dangerous that he carried on. They'd probably noticed the gun as well. He didn't care.

Geralt kept walking, reaching a small garden of sorts in the yard behind the bar. He stopped before he walked into it, then stared around. He wasn't far from Jewels and Mike, maybe ten metres, but the distance was a semblance of privacy for them. He could give them that much, at least, while he processed everything. He didn't know what he was going to do about Jaskier. Whether the man lived or died, Geralt didn't know. He had a preference, but he was going to lose the man either way. He had been the one to put Jaskier in the hands of his father, though not literally. He was the reason this was happening at all.

Dammit, if he had just gotten over his pride in time back at Petals, and had walked in front of Jaskier that last night. If he had been able to apprehend the man who attacked his client and kicked off Jaskier's need to flee. The Boss had been right, he reflected dully. If Geralt had actually done his job, all of this could have been avoided.

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