Chapter 30 | Drives

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Geralt POV

Geralt felt the smile that Jaskier wore as it pressed against his neck. He brushed aside the next mention of thanks. All he had done was- well, not his job, exactly, since Jaskier was a former client and not a current one, but he had done what any decent person would do. He had offered support, and that was all.

Geralt loosened his grip as Jaskier pulled away, eventually letting his hands slide free and the man to take one. He might have given a small smile at the gesture, or just relaxed the tension he was sure showed on his face, but he was still concerned. Jaskier had given him a proper smile, but the man still wasn't at optimal.

"We might swap later," he agreed. Not yet, however. If not for the fact that Jaskier was in no state to drive, then because Geralt had no need yet to take a break. He would rather push on. "And why would I be angry, Jaskier?" In all fairness, Jaskier might have been reminded of his father. Geralt wasn't a mind reader, much to his frustration. But he didn't push it. The question was sheerly rhetorical, after all. He wasn't expecting an answer.

The road. Yeah, he could do that. They needed to get back to Ciri and to get moving anyways. He let Jaskier kiss his cheek, not leaning into the gesture but not leaning away, either. He would have held onto the man's hand on the way back, but Jaskier let go before Geralt could start moving. That was probably for the better. They had seen what trouble presenting as a couple, however accidentally, brought. In a town full of potentially hostile strangers, ones who would probably recognise Geralt, it was asking for trouble.

He was utterly overthinking this, and as such, the bodyguard set off after Jaskier. He unlocked the car when he was a couple steps away, opening his door and sliding into his seat. He twisted around to check on Ciri and Roach. The girl was sound asleep. Roach lifted her head and met his gaze when he looked at her. She then resettled herself, making a content sound. Geralt quietly shut the car door, and fastened his seatbelt.

Julian POV

Jaskier watched as he saw how the tension on Geralt's face lessened slightly. He had not quite figured out that emotion yet but..was it concern? No. It couldn't possibly be frustration? Maybe. He wasn't sure, he couldn't pin it down for now. He raised an eyebrow at him asking why he would be angry. Gods, he was so gentle and so kind he couldn't even think of the idea that Jaskier may be a burden on him or maybe rather annoying in his attacks that he has.

Jaskier opened up the car door, hissing lightly t the cold metal on his hand as he pulled at the handle. He sat down first, feet following one at a time into the car after him. Once he was all in, he decided to close the car door, wanting to keep as much heat in as possible. He shivered slightly at the change of temperature, it created a tingle to go down his back where Geralt had been stroking it gently. It took only a moment or two for him to adjust to the new temperature.

He reached up, grabbing the seatbelt of the front seat and pulling at it, clicking it into place and wiggling uncomfortably at the feeling of it pulling and pressing so harshly against his lower abdomen. He had a small 'for fuck sake' under his breath as he did so. He didn't want to get out again to try and grab the blanket and it would stretch his chest painfully so, and his arm too probably if he reached around to grab a blanket. He could have it for warmth, but he was sure he'd fall asleep then. But he could tuck it between the seatbelt and his stomach to stop it from pressing so harshly against him. He didn't mind the discomfort, like on his chest, but it was the digging sensation that made it painful for him.

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