Chapter 25 | Memories

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Julian POV

Jaskier gave a smile as he watched Geralt take another bite out of the corner of his eye. He watched as Dara's father walked into the room and holy shit, couldn't cut it with a knife. It was tense but the smile that Dara gave Geralt soon helped him to relax.

Jaskier hummed as he watched Ciri and raised an eyebrow about it practically being gone. He finished one half of the sandwich and his stomach felt tight like he had eaten too much. That wasn't too surprising seeing he had not actually been eating very well since he had been here. He gave a hum to his sandwich and stared at it, a little bit uncomfortable. He shifted on his feet a little, only now realizing how many people were in the room. 

Could he not finish his sandwich in front of everyone? They wouldn't judge him too harshly, would they? He wasn't sure, would it be rude to Geralt to not finish it? He looked towards Geralt, peeking up over to him with a questioning look. He didn't eat it fast, just he took big bites out of habit.

Dara POV

Dara chuckled at how fast Ciri ate, only halfway through his own first half of his sandwich. He gave a laugh and decided to try and catch up and took bigger bites.

Dara's mother gave him a smile with a light laugh towards his son. She saw Jaskier looking to Geralt in the corner of her eye but she didn't say anything and quickly looked away after seeing how uncomfortable he looked.

Geralt POV

Geralt ate quickly, taking bites that could essentially be swallowed. He talked himself into slowing down, since there was company and people might want to be social. And it was awkward to have a conversation when only one of the participating parties was eating.

Speaking of awkward, Jaskier looked uncomfortable. He met the man's questioning look, and shrugged. Jaskier could do as he pleased. As long as he didn't try anything with Geralt in front of everyone, or attack one of them, then Geralt didn't particularly mind what the man did. It wasn't his business.

Geralt, seeing how Jaskier had paused in eating, however, finished the first half of his own sandwich and set the second back down on the counter. Even if he wasn't doing it for Jaskier's potential benefit, he'd have done it anyways. Geralt wasn't all that hungry, and chances were either he or Ciri would eat the second half of his sandwich come morning.

Ciri POV

Ciri slowed in her eating, meeting Dara's eyes with a challenge sparkling in her own.

Dara's Father POV

Dara's father finished the first half of his own sandwich, then looked down at his plate. He hadn't realized he'd eaten so quickly or that much already. Then again, he had skipped lunch due to a late breakfast. It made sense that he was hungry. He heard that the bodyguards of Witcher Corps only ate twice a day, usually, and that was early morning and late at night. He didn't know how they did it. Just another secret of Witcher Corps, he supposed. He wouldn't have been able to stand it. He was a fit man, but he still ate plenty. So long as he burned it off, it wasn't a problem. And Geralt, despite his other flaws and faults, was good with food.

Julian POV

Jaskier shifted uncomfortably still, his heart was racing slightly in nervousness as he looked to Geralt, he saw how he looked back at him not really minding but still he was worried. Why? He didn't know. Maybe it was from the memory of his father and if he didn't eat everything when he was allowed to eat. He remembered sitting at the table, well he was on the wooden polished floor and sitting by his father's chair when he got given scraps. 

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