Chapter 21 | Reality

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Julian POV

Jaskier smiled the same fond smile as he watched Ciri get ready to go off on her little adventure. She seemed like she was excited to go out. A pang of worry came into his gut before he looked to roach with a 'you keep her safe young lady' look towards her.

At Geralts reply he could not help but roll his eyes slightly, playfully though, the small smirk on his lips before his attention turned to the door as he gave a light chuckle at Ciri and Roach being a absolutely chaotic duo. Oh the differant lives that girl has awaiting her. He waved off with his free hand, it was slow because of the injury but he kept it paced well so it didn't tug. Too much at least. 

Once the door shut, his attention turned to Geralt as he smiled up at him and raised a eyebrow slightly in silent question of if there was anything he wanted to ask him. But of course, Jaskier being Jaskier, had to sneak in leaning forwards on his tippy toes and giving Geralt a quick peck on the end of his nose. He looked too cute not to. At least to Jaskier that was.

"Questions?" he asked softly to him. Knowing Geralt, after his own little stunt, he'd probably want to be with Jaskier as he shaved seeming he was in face around razors. But he ignored that fact for now.

Geralt POV

Geralt closed his eyes briefly in mock exasperation as Jaskier kissed his nose. Honestly, that man. He let him, though. He didn't have many questions, and they were all ones that could wait until after Jaskier woke up. But if the man was asking..

Geralt began to guide Jaskier to the staircase, walking as he spoke. "What's going to happen to you in London?" That was a couple of days away, a week at most. Not here yet, but fast approaching. Jaskier had mentioned already that it was likely death that waited for him there. "If you're not killed," Geralt amended.

While the man was gone, Geralt would figure out a way to reach Lambert, if he wasn't dead yet. He had known about the Corps's lack of morals ever since he was taken in by Vesemir as a child, and sent to train alongside the other boys, but the company rarely turned on one of their own. It would be Geralt's head next, he suspected. Lambert had betrayed the Corps, and Geralt had as well.

They reached the top of the staircase, and Geralt began to lead the man down to the room he was staying in. The bathroom was the next door past it.

Julian POV

Jaskier gave a light chuckle at the choice of question. He knew it was coming but, how the hell could be answer it? Did Geralt want the brutal truth? Could he take the brutal truth? He didn't know so he decided to play it safe.

"I don't know. It'll go one way or the other." he said, if the man wanted him to elaborate on the answers then he would. He wasn't scared of what was to come now, he wasn't as scared of his father anymore. He was just another person. One who was forcing him into this all but still.

He was careful up the stairs with his core, still feeling the lash wounds on his chest. Damn Claw out of everything as well.

He waddles up the stairs, hand staying in Geralts and if he needed a moment then he gave a light squeeze to Geralts hand to let him know he needed to catch up. It was shitty. But it was the first time he had walked in over 24 hours. It felt weird. Very weird.

"Are you coming into the bathroom with me after I ravage through your clothes and find a top of sorts to wear and some bottoms?" he asked as he looked forwards, remembering that where Geralt went the night they had a rather harsh conversation of sorts. 

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