Chapter 15 | Winner

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Geralt POV

Geralt huffed lightly. He wasn't a knight, no matter what Jaskier's imagination wanted to tell the two of them. He felt the man shiver in his arms, then snuggle in closer, head against Geralt's neck. Geralt adjusted his position so that it was easier for the man to stay as he was. He also cradled him a bit closer, knowing how he ran warmer than a typical human.

The young man from earlier approached him, looking a little surprised. Geralt nearly raised an eyebrow at that. He had been asked to carry Jaskier, yes? And the way he was holding him was fine to walk with and kept the pressure off the man's chest, yes? What was there to possibly be surprised about?

Then he caught the word 'boyfriend.' He raised an eyebrow at that. He had taken in the rest of the words the young doctor had said, but they had boiled down to: follow us, you can stay with him, and feel free to drop in whenever. Then 'boyfriend.'

"He's not my partner," Geralt corrected. "I'm a bodyguard. He's an old client." That should be safe to say. 'Old client' didn't necessarily mean Julian, and if Geralt was asked any questions about Jaskier's injuries, he would give the answers he deemed fit and that he could give.

He followed the group along the street, trailing at the back of it. Jaskier was warm against him, not that Geralt minded the cold. He'd have to text Ciri once they got to the hospital. No doubt she was aware of the commotion and worried.

Julian POV

Jaskier hummed and gave a laugh at the word boyfriend being heard, snicking lightly into Geralts neck as a laugh before he hissed lightly. Not the best time to laugh really. He couldn't help but smile at Geralts response though, it was rather amusing to hear. He didn't watch it as he was too busy snuggled into the man but it was amusing to hear his tone of voice be so factual. He nuzzled Geralt again lightly, burying his nose onto his shoulder before he couldn't help but laugh lightly. That would be where Jaskier had bitten him earlier. All of a sudden his face flushed. The doctors took off his clothing and patched him up. They would've been the bite mark that Geralt had given him less than 12 hours ago.

"Ah, Geralt? I think the evidence suggests otherwise. We aren't but uh, they might think we are.. Intimate of some sort." he said as he cleared his throat a little and bumped his nose over where he bit Geralt in order to make a point.

"Not many people have the same uh bite as you." he explained while clearing his throat a little bit before hiding his face completely into Geralts neck. God's that is so embarrassing. He gave a light chuckle though, he could only imagine Geralts face. N probably the same as normal but with his jaw clenched or something.

Jaskier on the other hand, was a blushing mess and the heat of his face could very easily be felt through whatever fabrics that Geralt had on, he was blaming this on the fact he was being carried like a princess. That was why he was red. And that he was injured and sore. Because that makes a man's face go red.

The doctors in the front kept walking, it was a while to the hospital but they shouldn't be too far away. They were about halfway there. The doctor peered over his shoulder to see the lot behind him and look towards Geralt for a moment and smiled, looking back with eyes front. The woman next to him frowned in confusion and looked behind, she was the one yelling earlier, and she gave a light laugh at whatever the two of them were talking about. Though it wasn't hard to guess.

Geralt kept walking, letting Jaskier bury his face in Geralt's neck and shoulder as he did so. Ah, shit. Jaskier was, unfortunately, correct. Geralt had bitten him, and twice. Recently. Those marks would still be plenty visible. He could feel the heat from Jaskier's face through his shirt, and assumed the man had come to the same conclusion that the doctors must have seen the bites.

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