Chapter 6 | Sins

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Julian POV

Jaskier has a small smile as he hummed, snuggling into Geralt more as he replied. Honestly he had missed Geralt. His touch, he gentle self. Though his gentleness had been hidden up until now, returning with the soft caresses on Jaskiers back.

It was dangerous to be this close to him and with he way Geralt was withholding information as well he would say he was also at risk from Geralts secrets as much as Geralt was from his.

Jaskier felt the smile creep up onto his face, muscles relaxing under Geralts touch. It felt strange now that Jaskier had actual muscle on his back instead of the lean figure. It felt more solid with how Geralt gently moved against him. Jaskier allowed his hand to firmly draw mindless patterns on Geralts chest over his heart, the old gesture a treasured one.

Gently he hummed a couple lines, singing them softly. More like a whisper song then actual singing.

"Oh darling what was I to do?

The wine it tingled at out lips

It burned on the cut of my inner lip

Yet you kissed me anyways

Oh darling let's blame it on the wine"

He softly faded into a humming, allowing the gentle song to come back to him naturally as he smiled, eyes open and staring into the darkness of the house? Apartment? Whichever one that they were in. He was not sure.

Oh how he missed Geralt. Those kisses, oh they were so devine. Plum and wine and cinnamon scents. They really did have a lost to do with tastes. Jaskier suddenly gave a small chuckle.

"I still have them. The bath scents. They're at my apartment." he said with a light chuckle. He never used them. Just kept them with him. He felt all the old memories coming back to him.

Slowly he turned his head and placed a small kiss on Geralts chest before hesitating and placing another one on Geralts throat, to the side of his Adams apple before ke kissed Geralts chin softly. He always loved to kiss his chin. The rough feeling under his lips, on how he missed it. He let his lips stay there a moment longer before pulling back only slightly so he could look at Geralts eyes, even though he wouldn't be able to see them.

The wind outside was picking up, the noise of it now howling past the windows. He didn't look to see if he could see any snow outside but by the sounds of what was hitting the glass, it wounded like it was.

Geralt POV

Geralt let his mind drift as Irys hummed and sang quietly. The man was more solidly built than he had bee. Geralt was grateful that the bulk added to the disguise that Irys was, but he missed the feeling of being able to hold the man to him when he was slimmer than Geralt. He knew it was a selfish feeling, and that he shouldn't be feeling it. It was enough that Jaskier, well, Irys, was alive.

"Hm," Geralt grunted. He wondered if Irys could smell cinnamon yet and not tho k back to that night. If the scent of plums had faded into no more than a distant memory. Geralt hadn't forgotten. He had tried to, but he couldn't make himself actually do so. It had exasperated Renfri to no end. She'd always made this one facial expression when he- Geralt didn't need to go down that path. He didn't need to retreat again, not when Irys was right here.

He let the man kiss him; first his chest, then his throat, then his chin. Geralt didn't reciprocate, though he did stare back at Irys when the man pulled back to look at him. His eyes flickered to the window, the moon illuminating the flurries of snow coming down. It was only autumn, he thought a bit grouchily. More importantly, Ciri was out there. He looked back at Irys.

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