Chapter 32 | Dads

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Julian POV

Jaskier gave a warm and caring smile to Ciri. He was starting to see her as his own daughter but he knew he should not, for Geralt, Ciri, and selfishly for his own reasons as well. He had to act like a parent before. In a way, he adopted as many children as he could in order to help them through the shit hole they grew up in and Jaskier frowned lightly.

"My dear heart, don't apologize for feeling emotions. All emotions are beautiful in their own way and sadness is the most beautiful of all," he said with a gentle kiss to her forehead. He gave her a warm smile and stayed on his knees, for the time being, being able to be within reach should Ciri need him at any point. He looked up, hearing Roach's ails hitting the ground and Geralt following along. Hopefully, the man would not be mad that he made his daughter suddenly burst into tears. He gave Geralt a sheepish smile and picked up the clothing he had dropped. He looked to Geralt and gave an apologetic smile to him. 

"Sorry, were we taking too long? I'll quickly go get everything that I need and pay. You can go back to the car if you want? Roach is calling shotgun." He said with a light chuckle towards Roach and gently gave her back a couple of gentle strokes with his fingertips. He cleared his throat lightly and pointed to behind him. "I'm going to get it, I won't belong." He tried to reassure Geralt who was probably wanting to eat. He probably did not realize but the man tends to get cantankerous when he is hungry and a hungry Geralt is a sassy Geralt.

He continued along the way, quicker this time, finding some yoga pants, and next to them were 'men's yoga underwear'. Whatever it would be better for him to wear those under the yoga pants and it wouldn't hurt to wear them all the time. They were comfortable he had to admit, he had used them before. No more fancy undergarments for him, unfortunately. Well, he could get his friend to slip some in when he ordered the suit for the date night. 

Not that he would need nice undergarments like that but, nothing better than personal pleasure and what to spike your confidence but a pair of matching silk undergarments? He chuckled lightly at the thought as he looked to the yoga pants. An ombre grey into a green, nearly matching the hoodie but slightly more vibrant. It would do. He grabbed it and smiled as he placed it over his arm and saw the pink ones.

Oh lord, how could he say no to that? It was a block pink ombre from a Deep Red on the upper half. He secretly wondered if Geralt would like them for a moment before grabbing them and slinging them over his arm. He would only really need two. He picked up the eight pack of yoga underwear. They weren't cheap, he wasn't going to lie but he knew they lasted forever from past experience. He walked past the footwear, deciding if it was worth it or not and thought it was, Grabbing a pair of simple cheap bright blue sneakers as well as a handful of 3 pack sock packets of ankle socks, each with differing patterns.

Of course, he was doing this at a fast pace, his thought process was lengthy but fast so he grabbed the stuff, pinching up a simple mid-grey shirt in case he actually did need one and went to the counter of the pharmacy. He quickly told them which medical supplies he needed, unsure of what the ones on his arms were called so he just showed the tanned blonde hair brown eyes woman who was standing at the counter and she nodded, running off to get that as well. He gave a nod to her, catching the lemon drops in the corner of his eye and asked for two bags before pulling out his wallet and pulled out his Diamond black card, and paid with it quickly before stuffing it away into his wallet which got shoved into his back pocket. He picked up the four bags and gave a nod in thanks to her before fast walking over to the exit where he guessed the others made their way to. If not then they should not be too far behind.

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