Chapter 22 | Caught

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Julian POV

Jaskier sat with his heart beating nervously in his chest. It wasn't an anxious type of nervous, more so one of anticipation and desire to know what was going to happen next. His eyes watched as he followed Geralt around the room, allowing his eyes to examine the body language of the man in front of him. 

He never really stopped and sat to watch the movements Geralt makes, sure he may move and walk like an average person but there was something different to it. Although he had muscles for days, he walked like silk almost underneath the stiffness that he put on the outside when in public or hurrying. Jaskier has noticed his shoulders and biceps tend to tension and flex slightly when he was worried or stressed slightly.

Jaskier had nearly died twice in the past however long it had been so he had not really been paying attention to anything around him, his focus had mainly been on Geralt. Even then he had been out of it most of the time, not fully there yet but by whenever he woke up, assuming that the man would wake him up for it of course. If he was passed out hard and wouldn't wake up then he trusted Geralt to pick him up or put snow on his chest to wake him up. He examined Geralt as he moved before seeing that he was looking to him with the shaving cream, gesturing and asking him to do it.

Jaskier gave a light chuckle and nodded, knowing Geralt probably just didn't want to do it and get it everywhere which was fair enough. No man knew his own face better than a lover or himself. He stood with a nod as he gently took it from Geralt's hand, settling it down on the sink before turning on the tap, he only really had one hand and although it would be easier for Geralt to do it with the wetting his face and then shaving cream scenareo, he wouldn't drag Geralt through that. 

The poor man looked as if he wanted to run away and hide as it was. He turned the tap on, flickering his fingertips of his right hand under it a little, dampening over his stubbly beard which he just noticed had got slightly longer than he wanted it to fo been, not that it really mattered now. But it meant it was going to take a little bit longer due to there being some length to it. He carefully got out the blue gel-like foam from out of the small container that Geralt gave him, pressing on the lid with his left hand with his fingers. 

They still had strength in them but it did cause some discomfort to do the movement but it would only last a couple of seconds. He rubbed the gel-like substance which was starting to foam already in his fingertips because of the water and looked in the mirror, carefully rubbing and foaming it up on his beard which didn't take much seeming the beard helped with the friction.

He smiled as he did it and wiped his fingertips over his lip afterward, taking off any rogue foam and wiped his hand on the towel that was hanging next to the sink with a small smile as he looked to Geralt. "Do I look like you now that I have a snowman beard?" He asked with a light chuckle.

Geralt POV

Geralt took a few steps back as Jaskier began wetting his beard and then applying the cream, misleading against the door frame. He felt somewhat guilty for making the man do this himself, but in Geralt's defense, Jaskier had just been talking about how Geralt hadn't had to do this. He was also uncomfortable enough that he would rather not.

Geralt didn't quite get why it was he was so uncomfortable. It wasn't like he hadn't seen men shave or helped them shave before. Just.. not like this. Those men had been his brothers, and it had been when they were younger and still in training. They hadn't even gotten their first jobs yet. Those first assignments hadn't seemed important, but they had been what had steered them towards where they were now.

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