Chapter 34 | Realizations

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Julian POV

Jaskier smiled widely and chuckled a bit as he watched Geralt use Ciri's knife. He was about to turn his head from Ciri to Geralt again but saw Ciri throw him a wink and he gave a light laugh in response to her. He took another bite of the pasta, smiling widely as he did so and this time a bit more sauce built u, making him able to feel it so he licked his lips and darted his tongue out to it and ridden of it quickly.

He hummed, eating around ten or so more bits before he turned the fork to Geralt with a smile. "Done." He said simply. Honestly, his stomach was only half full but he wanted Geralt to eat most of it seems he had not eaten for about as long as Jaskier had and if not, then longer. The ma needed to eat more than Jaskier did.

He placed the fork down into the bowl and turned it so the handle was facing Geralt so he could use it if he wanted to.

Jaskier looked to Ciri and smiled as he watched her eating still. Good, it means she was actually enjoying it. "I have lemon drops for when I drive in the car. Sour, keeps me focused. So I can eat those instead." he said with a small smile. He knows his body will never be as lean as before unless he ate like he used to and worked out by physical exercise that he used to do. He was tempted to see if he could go back to the club.

He had a feeling but did not say anything, that someone in the club was partnered with his father. At least now whoever it was could come clean when he saw them again. He would have to go back there at least once. Have a proper goodbye and see you soon to the boys at the club.

Geralt POV

Geralt frowned, skeptical when Jaskier said he was done. The man had eaten what, a dozen bites? He himself wasn't all that hungry either. Jaskier was the one who had emptied his stomach earlier in their drive. He should be the one eating.

Geralt had thought he'd caught a whiff of lemon, but he hadn't said anything. It didn't concern him. And Jaskier wouldn't be driving for some time anyways, due to him and Ciri wanting to sit together. Geralt was alright with that, with him still being up front and pushing on. He wasn't going to do much during his time away from the wheel anyways. Just because he woke quickly and slept lightly did not mean he wanted to risk being asleep.

He did, after a moment of studying Jaskier, slowly pick up the fork. He took a bite, then another. The slices of avocado he left alone. Jaskier could have those.

The passerby were currently more interesting than what was happening at the table. They were also a potential threat to the well-being of those situated around the table. The risk dropped and rose with each individual or each car that came by. The street wasn't overly busy, but it wasn't silently. So Geralt watched, searching for behavior he knew and locking it away with the face it belonged to. As he did so, he took a bite every now and then.

Julian POV

Jaskier smiled softly as he watched Geralt from the corner of his eye. His elbow rested on the table, chin in the palm of his hand so it was propped up as he looked forwards. He hoped that there would be many dinners where they could all relax together. Jaskier realized something.

"This is my first time eating at a table with someone." He spoke as he thought it, a surprise coming over his own features, as well as slight amusement at his own lack of being normal. Wow, he really had not done a lot of things. He sat by his father's feet, learn the polite and proper way of eating from watching his father eat.

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