Chapter 3 | Mission

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Julian POV

Jaskier chuckled lightly at the name of the gorgeous girl in front of him and squatted down, balancing himself on the cold ground.

"Hm well my lady Roach, it is my utmost pleasure to make your acquaintance," he said with a light chuckle as he placed his hand out. He didn't touch her, mainly just let her sniff and such along with his hand.

He let out a quiet chuckle as he looked up to Geralt." Does she play fetch? The good thing to do as the days grow colder, you might need to get some booties for her if she is going to stay through winter. It's quite common for frostbitten little toe beans to be seen." he said, rambling on how he did normally with Geralt before everything. Shit. He was screwed. And he was whipped for the man.

But all the kisses and affection between them, it was all platonic. At least that's what Jaskier had gone back to trying to convince himself to make separating easier on him.

"So what brings you to a small town in the middle of god knows where by the mountains?" he asked curiously as he looked up to Geralt.

Welp, yes he was curious. He just hoped Geralt didn't know he had been here for a short amount of time so that Jaskier knowing that he was being here instead of his ideal been here forever wouldn't overlap. which they did but it wasn't something most people thought of.

He turned in his squat in the ground and reached over for a chunk of useless wood, holding it in his hand as he lifted it up to Geralt with a raised eyes row and... Well, he may or may not had done slight puppy eyes up at the man as he held it out, begging the man to stay for a little while.

Geralt POV

Geralt sighed but crouched down as well. He balanced on the balls of his feet, resting his forearms across just above his knees. Roach sniffed the stranger, then nudged her head against her hand. Geralt watched, then lifted his gaze to the stranger's again when the man started talking. Shit. He should have thought of that. It was getting colder, and Roach was used to more temperate weather. She'd seen snow plenty of times before, but it was rarely heavy.

Roach did play fetch, or at least, she did with Ciri. Geralt had never much enjoyed the game, but his daughter loved it. "She does," he said, his eyes returning to the dog. She whined curiously at him, and he raised an eyebrow in response. She let out a quiet woof towards him, almost as if she was keeping her voice at a conversational level. There wasn't much distance between him and the stranger, and so Roach padded back over to him. She sat down in front of him with a thump as her hindquarters hit the tarp, tail sweeping across it. Geralt met her gaze, exasperated in an amusing way. He brought both hands up and ran them through the shaggy coat at her shoulders. It had thickened some in the days since they had arrived in Southside, he'd noticed.

"Here with.. friends," he said evasively, lifting his eyes back to the stranger. It wasn't technically a lie, more like a half-truth. He and Ciri were here with Ciri's friend, and that friend's parents were friendly enough towards Geralt. He would rather not reveal his daughter to a stranger. Clients were one thing, and Jaskier was as well. A man he met in a small town in the middle of nowhere was a completely different one. It was a habit of his. Revealing Ciri meant putting her at risk. She'd had to learn not to mention his job, as well.

When the stranger lifted the piece of wood, looking at Geralt with big eyes, Geralt mentally raised an eyebrow again. It wasn't an expression that fit on the man's face. But in the end he gave a single nod, signaling he could throw it for Roach if he so chose.

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