Chapter 18 | Crosses

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Jewels POV

Jewels turned around as she looked to Geralt. She wasn't mad, she was just upset that she may have lost who was like her son even if they had not known each other for very long and she knew very little about him. He was the son that Mike and she never could have. They tried. Boy did they try and they always wanted a boy but it didn't work, Jewels was unable to have children after an accident as a child. She pulled out of that brief thought as she saw her husband approaching from behind Geralt, seeming as he slipped in last. She leads them to Jaskier's spare room that he'd used when he stayed overnight and something in he gut twisted. God's how she missed him and now she was afraid that she would miss him for the rest of her life.

"Geralt... I believe that's your name. If I got it wrong then do correct me. You may want to sit for this but you can stand if you want to." she said as he gestured to the bed to sit on as she gave him an apologetic look.

Mike walked in and stood close to the wall connecting to the doorframe, leaning against it with his arms folded in an introverted way. He was trying not to lash his anger out at anyone, but no one had spoken today. Not since Jesse ran from the hospital to here at sparrow fart in the morning and told them the news and that if Geralt was found then go ahead and send him there which they nodded to but said they wouldn't promise anything.

"We know you're close with Irys.. And we just want to say do not blame yourself for anything you're about to hear. We-We know that you and Irys had a fight right before he..." Jewels swallowed, blinking tears out of her eyes as Mike let his head hang low so no one could see him properly.

"He um, was found in the bathroom and. And um he." she started to choke up a little bit. "He's stable but he hasn't woken up," she said, her throat sounding hoarse and clogged as Mike kicked off of the wall and walked over and held her hand tightly in comfort.

"The doctor, Jesse. He told us that if we see you then to ask you to go to the hospital to see him. " Mike explained from next to her, his own voice also strained as he gave Geralt a small smile.

Geralt POV

Geralt followed the woman into the spare room, grimacing lightly when he could smell cinnamon. He stayed standing, hands still in his pockets. With Mike now standing in the doorway, he was beginning to feel caged in. Between that and the cinnamon, Geralt wanted only to leave. Coming here was a stupid idea, but it was one he'd needed to go through with.

They knew that he'd fought with Irys. The entire town probably knew Geralt reflected. He didn't like where this was headed. The situation was reminding him rather of Blaviken, which sent a tendril of guilt and shame through him. Renfri had come up the previous day, with Jaskier slandering her name. Geralt wasn't ready to forgive that, or the man in general.

Shit. Fuck, the bathroom? Not waking up? Geralt could put the pieces together. He lowered his eyes. Told not to blame himself, his ass. This was absolutely his fault, no matter what Jewels said. If he had just kept his damn mouth shut, instead of using to Jaskier's taunts, if he had just left quietly.

Then he grunted at her next statement, the doctor's request. He'd go. He wasn't going to like it, but he'd go. Ciri had Dara and the boy's parents would be home soon enough. They would be watching Roach. He could just go straight to the hospital. Geralt walked out of the backroom, face a blank mask. He made for the bar's door, not saying a word. There were both curious and hostile stares directed at him. He ignored them, walking out into the cold.

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