Chapter 10 | Hauntings

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 Jullian POV

Jaskier smiled at Geralt, hearing that he was fine with it and giggled lightly as he felt Geralts hand move along his jaw. The small feeling making his stomach flip.

"Oh right. I can always jump on you later," he said with a chuckle as he hopped up off of Geralt, Careful not to accidentally poke him or roach where it may have been uncomfortable.

He stood up, stretching slightly as he looked to Geralt seeming he had the light and knew where he was going. Would there be any hot water without the power? Surely there would be. In this town usually people had hot water cylinders in order to keep the water hot enough so the pipes don't freeze. Hopefully the power shouldn't be off for more than a couple days at the most. The weather was not cold enough for it to all freeze over. It was probably, from what Jaskier could feel, around - 10°C. Which was roughly 14°F. Jaskier was used to using Celsius out of old habits from when he was a child.

Jaskier held his hand out towards Geralt. Wither he took it or not was up to the other man but he wasn't lending it out for assistance, though it could be used for that too. He was holding it out to hold his hand. He shifted his weight onto his right leg, rotating his left foot a little bit. He was still getting used to the feeling of it repaired on the outside but not properly on the inside. Only time could fix that part. "Never really healed." he admitted as he placed it on the ground. It still went numb easily. If he got pins and needles then he couldn't feel it in his foot in place where the crystal went through. No nerve damage, just scarring and such.

Geralt POV

Geralt got up as well once Jaskier did, noting how careful the man had been not to bump him or Roach. Geralt appreciated it, though it made little difference to him.

He took his phone and held it with the screen up, the light shining towards the ground ahead of them.

He frowned at the hand Jaskier held out to him. "You can walk," he muttered. He had seen the man do just fine around town. He had been splitting logs that morning, and had picked up Roach a few minutes earlier. He didn't need Geralt to support him. And if he did, Jaskier could just say so.

If this was about stumbling around in the dark, then Jaskier could just walk beside him. Geralt ignored the hand beside the frown, instead choosing to begin making his way over to the staircase.

Roach had felt how the couch shifted as the two men got up. She awoke from her light sleep and stretched, yawning. Then she too hopped off the couch, shaking out her coat before padding after Geralt and Jaskier.

Roach came up to walk beside Jaskier, nosing his leg. He smelled interesting, like spices and salt. Like outside. Her owner used to smell like that, though it was much fainter now.

Julian POV

Jaskier gave Geralt a look as he decided to walk on by past him and slapped the hand he offered out to his forehead in a face-palm. Goddammit, when was the last time that man held anyone's hand? Did he not know when someone wanted to merely hold it?

"It was so we could hold hands you oaf." he muttered under his breath but still loud enough that Geralt could hear. He padded on behind him, following him to the stairs, and chuckled as he saw and felt Roach nuzzle at his leg lightly. He gave a laugh at her behavior and leaned down, ruffling her head softly.

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