Chapter 27 | Identity

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Julian POV

Jaskier chuckled lightly as he felt Geralt not part his lips, he was expecting him not too, and Jaksier was perfectly okay with it. He didn't mind at all really, shoving tongues in each others mouths were not how Geralt and his relationship was, it involved tender biting at each other instead. Which Jaskier didn't know if that was as good or bad things but it takes a lot of trusts to allow anyone to bare their teeth at you so-

Jaskier's thoughts got cut off as he heard a loud vibrating noise fill the silence of the room, which mainly was involved with the two of them and what they were doing to fill the silence up in the first place. He gave a small chuckle as Geralt pulled away and shut the alarm off. He sat up next to Geralt, ready to get up as well. He was awake, well, awake enough for now. He probably would end up sleeping in the car by accident if he wasn't humming away, singing songs that he never really got to in the first place. Only words on paper.

He moved to the edge of the bed, quickly patting at himself down below to make sure there weren't any awkward dents and thank the gods there weren't. That being done he moved his shoulders back, trying to stretch the best he could without hurting or pulling any of his injuries. He stood up, ready to grab the shirt off of the ground but there was only one problem.

"As much as I really do enjoy living in the darkness my darling, I cannot see anything and have no idea where the lightswitch is because I have forgotten. Could you give me a light or put the main one on?" He asked as he stood still, not wanting to trip over anything even though he was fairly sure that the floor was spotless. But he wasn't going to risk tripping over and damaging his body any further. "Also Good morning, i would give you a kiss but I cannot see for shit." He said with a light chuckle. His cheeks were still pink, his hair an utter mess and his lips kissed a rosey softness.

Geralt POV

Geralt stood as well, careful to not hit Jaskier as he did so. At the man's request, he reached up, feeling for the cold metal of the chain that connected to the light. His fingers hit it. He grabbed on, and tugged. The light overhead clicked on, bathing the room in a warm, orange-yellow light.

"Morning," he muttered in response. Then he cupped Jaskier's jaw with one hand and leaned in, missing the man gently before withdrawing. He picked up his shirt from where he had thrown it at his bag the previous night, and tossed it at Jaskier. He was fairly certain the man could get his own shirt on.

He needed to go get Ciri, anyways. Make sure she was up, and that his group would be ready to leave in half an hour. Since it was dark enough out, and he didn't hear anyone else getting up yet, Geralt had no qualms about opening the door to their room enough to slip out, shutting it again behind him. He turned and walked down the hall towards Ciri's room.

The door was cracked open, the way it usually was. One handwidth. Specifically, one of his hands. The girl had gotten good at eyeballing how wide that was. She liked the door closed, but not fully closed. Open enough that she could easily hear and see the world, without inviting it in.

He made sure to make the door creak as he entered, their unspoken signal. The girl got up blearily, propping herself up on one elbow. She blinked hard, squinting at him.

"Dad?" Her long, blond hair was a rats next, tumbling down over her shoulders and back. "Are we leaving yet?" Geralt shook his head.

"Half an hour. Get up." Then he calmly turned and left, stepping back into the hallway and shutting the door to the amount she liked. He could hear Ciri shifting around behind him in the room, waking up and getting out of bed

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