Chapter 42 | Tomato

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Julian POV

Jaskier watched as Ciri's behavior became that of an extremely nervous individual. He watched as she looked between Geralt and him and his brows frowned slightly. Had he said something wrong? He looked to Geralt as his name was spoken in such an authoritative tone and his eyebrows raised slightly in the surprise of what Geralt was saying and how intensely he was staring at him. 

Obviously there are many secrets here, but secrets Jaskier was not allowed to know. And that was more than enough, he trusted the other two. Well, he trusted in Ciri completely but Geralt he was more so on the weary side for obvious reasons but still he simply nodded with a small smile, facial expression neutralizing from one of shock to gentle understanding.

"You have my word, she is of Posada." He said gently. He looked to Ciri, noticing how she was trembling and hugging herself. He would bend down and scoop her up in his arms but he could not risk that in the condition she was in. Just because he liked physical contact when in the state she was in, did not mean that she did too. Instead he gently moved his hand out, very slowly towards Ciri and placed his hand on her shoulder with a touch of a feather.

He looked to Geralt with a smile, showing that he would not question any further for the secrets they had were not his to listen to nor have. It was theirs unless they wished to say anything more. He gave a small nod to him before letting his hand gently come off of Ciri's shoulder and fall to his side. He was waiting for either Geralt or Ciri to make a move in order for them to know he was not a threat to either of them, to show he was submissive here and was not going to pry further.

Ciri POV

Ciri curled into Jaskier's touch. It wasn't from the one of them that she trusted more, but it was still reassuring. She couldn't see Jaskier wishing her harm or trying to hand her off to anyone who wished her harm. She couldn't. There were those who had been less than fond of her grandmother, but that didn't mean it should be taken out on her.

A small amount of the tension in Geralt's shoulders left as Jaskier gave them his word. It was a good start, but he knew how torture and fear could turn people on themselves. It was a risk. But it was one they were going to have to take. Jaskier had said nothing yet about recognising Ciri as the missing princess, but Geralt unfortunately wasn't a mindreader. Anything could be happening in the man's head.

Geralt returned the small nod he was give with a firm one of his own. The smile he did not return. He walked past the two, touching Ciri lightly on the shoulder and slowing as he passed her. He moved into the kitchen area, checking the clock. They needed to move quicker.

Ciri looked up at Jaskier again, one arm gripping the other. "Will you help me now?" She said, quietly and with a raspy voice. She cleared her throat with a sheepish smile, then gave him a real one.

Julian POV

Jaskier watched as Geralt passed them, keeping his smile on his face. What wsa Geralt so afraid of? He did not know, he wishes he knew something but it was not his place to know as it seemed to be Ciri's secret. It was not his place to know and he was alright with that, not content overall but he was accepting of it all.

His gaze turned to Ciri as he smiled at her and chuckled a little bit. "Of course, Dear Heart. Come, gather some pins and whichever hair tie you use and I shall do it for you. One of my favorite styles I used to do to cheer up my child-" He cut himself off, literally pausing after the syllable. His whole body froze for a moment. Oh gods, did he say too much? He thought of them as his children but they never were actually his. 

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