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Hayleys POV
My names Hayley I'm new to Travis prep and I walked into my class
M: and that's how they invented the coma
H: hi I'm Hayley I'm the new student
?: I'm tomika
?: summer
Z: Zack
F: Freddy
L: were a band
F: dude
L: I mean Lawrence
H: I'm sorry what
They explained I can't believe my class is a band
F: I'm bored
H: I can go on Instagram and ask people to give us dares
T: cool do that
I smiled
Z: ooh let's make a bet whoever backs out of their dare first has to shave their head
T: ok ok chill umm has to pay every one 100 bucks each
S: I can't lose that much money
H: well you better do your dare
SOR: ok deal
H: don't back out you'll be in debt for months
T: yeah my parents cut off my allowance I got a job but it doesn't do much
F: I wouldn't pay it off for about 5 months and all my money goes to hair gel
Z: no hair gel for five months
F; my nightmare
S: and I need to get money for my skin products
Z: my dad says my money has to go straight to him so he can invest I get to keep 10% so it'll be about 1 year when I could pay that off
L: and I have to get robot parts I don't have robots I have nothing
I chuckled

I have a few dares in mind but feel free to comment

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