Random Thought

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I don't know what make me up until this time. But i just find that i can write through my phone wkwkwk. Emmm it's not update actually. But i just want to write whatever in my brain right now. Emmm and yes..  it's in the middle of my midterm. Idk, i just feel bored with study. Taksonomi Tumbuhan my ass... Tell me what's nesessary for pharmacist to learn about it. And i have promise to my self that eventhough this is online test, i can't cheat :" Sungguh menggoda iman tapi btw aku kuliah kan bukan cuma cari IPK doang so... idk wkwkw

Emmmm and i want to speak about something. 

How can people get easily to post what they want to post hmm? I mean, it's social media right. Social media is not about you but also it also about the reader. I know that actually i post something randomly or something unimportant sometimes. But please, don't let other people get irritated with your post. Mind your word. This world is indeed hard for somepeople, don't make it worst. 


Note to my self too

Gausah dibaca yah. Aku sengaja pake inggris biar pada males baca. Trus klo nyuruh gausa dibaca kenapa ditulis? Kenapa dipost di publik? Maapkan aku random orangnya. 

Its Okay To Not Be Okay : Life Lesson and Mental HealthTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang